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Ok this is crazy but I changed the story I messed up and put werewolf from a family of vampires but I'm switching it around to Vampire from a family of werewolves so sorry from the inconvenience but I've been going through life and it's getting tougher to edit and update sorry reader LUV U

Angel POV

    I was telling him the truth. I was unwanted in that family of werewolves. I grew up learning things only a were would learn. I won't forget how bad it felt how bad my parents treated me. At first, they were going to just sell me off after they made me smart of both species. Then they thought about it and thought I would be better used as a weapon since I was the next Alpha in our line anyways. I would destroy other packs and almost be more of a tyrant.

I covered up all that pain and suffering to make my brothers and sisters smile. I was crazy and protective of my siblings. I loved them they were my only reason for staying. When I left I made sure that my siblings wouldn't be hurt by my parents by not telling them where exactly I was going. My siblings are the only thing that gives me feeling and I had to leave that and that killed me inside. I was born to be a cold-hearted bastard. I wasn't born to be a sweet loving person.

I couldn't just tell Dom all this. I would tell him the part about me running away but not why. I had these strange feelings for Dom and I don't know exactly what they are yet so I won't fully trust him. I want to though. 

The weird fact involved with all of this is that I have a wolf. I would say I'm a hybrid but my mother and father both full wolf.  I wasn't exactly allowed to be in contact with my wolf because of the fact it would bring out my inner vampire which is just like my wolf for some reason and can speak to me.

"Angel what exactly do you mean." Dom broke me from deep thoughts.

"We need to talk in private" Was all I said to him


Dom had driven me to his home and let me say THIS BISH IS LOADED. I knew he had money but he had a big ass fucking house like dayuuuum. Ok, now back on track we are sitting in his comfortable ass couch in this beautiful ass room with a sucking view of the ocean like dayuuuum.  My brother, Liam, and Cam were in here with us waiting for the convo to start. So, of course, I started it.

"Where the hell do you get money like this"Of course I had to ask.

"I'm the Alpha of Alphas now what's this about vampire in werewolf family" I was talking to the Alpha of Alphas that means this is the man I was supposed to murder with my bare hands or claws. This is gonna be interesting.

"I'm Angel Winston, I'm sorry I lied to you at first." I told him.

"No way in hell. You're supposed to be the most powerful threat I have." I nod while everyone stares. " That's so crazy I just had you over my knee screaming Daddy and now you're the most threatening thing that can supposedly snap my neck on command." I blushed at the comment involving daddy.

"I-I ran away after having been almost forced to be a tyrant and now I'm here." I lose my cool around him. He makes feelings arise and almost takes my breath away.

"So your siblings are coming here, right?" Dom then asked Jake.

"They are already here." I felt their presence but I let my bro tell him. I couldn't trust my voice right now. I felt light headed out of nowhere. My fucking eyes were heavy and shit.

Inside Angels mind
"You want him" I heard in my mind.

"No, I don't leave me alone. Why are you even here? I thought you didn't come unless you needed to discuss something" I was talking to my wolf, Jax and I knew my vampire, Jace was there too. They were a couple and worked together whenever I was in trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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