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I found it odd on how my fingers smelled of flowers after I had just dreamt of holding flowers. Maybe I was just sleepy my nose was able to fool me. But I still couldn't get it off my mind.

After eating some instant noodles for dinner, I trudged back up to my room. I figured I had slept through the whole afternoon, but I needed the sleep anyway.

I walked back into my room, closing the door behind me and sighing helplessly. Whatever that dream was, it sure did put me in a good mood.

I dreamily flung to my bed, a giggle escaping my lips. Was this what lovesick people did? Was I even in love?

A knock on my room door startled me. The door creaked open to reveal my younger sister, Naya. ❝Hey unnie❞ She greeted. I pulled a fake smile ❝What's up?❞

❝What happened with mom?❞ Naya raised a brow ❝Is it the bakery thing again?❞

I hummed softly ❝Yeah❞. Naya pursed her lips, ❝You know I tried to convince mom but–❞

❝But she didn't listen❞ I guessed correctly as Naya nodded, a sympathetic look on her face. A moment passed by, letting us think in silence.

❝I just don't want to think about it❞ I huffed, looking away

❝Yeah... I figured❞ Naya grabbed the knob of my door ❝Good night❞. She turned the lights off on her way out and I could only watch the door close

❝Night❞ I whispered to nobody

My eyes shot open to a dark starry sky. Why am I outside again?! This seriously has to stop. I can't stand bushes and bugs.

❝Hey❞ A familiar voice called to me. I stood up from the bush of tulips I was lying in. Yes it was uncomfortable.

I turned to see Hoseok smiling at me, his outfit had changed to a dark blue moon and star decorated pajamas. I couldn't help but crack a smile.

❝You came back❞ He mused, his eyes scanning my face. I blushed, immediately looking away. Hoseok grabbed my hand ❝I have something to show you❞

Hoseok led me through gardens of flowers, glancing over his shoulder to smile at me before turning back to lead me.

Suddenly he stopped and I saw it. A beautiful lake. I gasped ❝Oh my gosh❞. Hoseok smiled ❝Beautiful, right?❞

❝I know❞ I pulled my arm out of his hand and rushed forward. ❝I was talking about you, but yeah the lake too❞ Hoseok mumbled, but I heard. I pretended my insides weren't bursting by not turning to face him.

❝Can I take a dip?❞ I asked, not turning to face Hoseok. He stepped beside me, taking me by surprise. ❝Let's go?❞

I nodded, taking off my socks before rushing to the lake. Hoseok giggled behind me, running at a slower pace. The moment my feet were in the water I shivered because of how cold it was. ❝Ah❞ I yelled excitedly

Hoseok took me by surprise the moment he splashed in the lake, sending drops of water flying in my direction ❝What the hell?❞

He laughed loudly ❝It's way better in here❞

I rolled my eyes ❝I am not- OH SHIT STOP IT NO❞. It was too late, he had pulled me into the ice cold lake. ❝You asshole!❞ I cursed, watching Hoseok give out an ugly cackle. And I couldn't help but smile through my chattering teeth, his smile was so contagious.

If only I was this happy in reality.

//02 end//

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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