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so my klance book was private for some reason so i republished the book. I ALREADY WANNA REWRITE IT AND CHANGE A LOT LOL I want it to be a high school au its more relatable.  Its been like that for how every long. Anyways :) here is an update. I have felt quite inspired.


I'm walking up to where Alex lives. Before this moment I had to take a train, walk a couple blocks, and take another train. I just love the city. Seriously. I love the thrill, the excitement, even the rude street vendors. They make it New York and I wouldn't change it for anything. When I go to school I'll have to take the train which will take 15 minutes depending on the day since I'm accounting for the stops. Alex also takes the train and it just happens to be that he get's on earlier than me. I can't remember how many stops before but I know we will have at least 15 minutes in the morning together. And after football season we will have those 15 minutes after school as well. During my trip too Alex's house I thought of what we would do in 15 minutes. Homework that's for sure. I can draw and paint so Alex can read and write. I also think of our song. I thought of a lot and I think its for him. He doesn't know it yet but in my mind it's official.

Anyways, I stop at the door and ring the bell. I could hear Alex running through the house and the click of the door lock. He opened the door and instantly brought me into a hug.  

"I missed you!"

"It's been like two days since we've seen each other in person! We have called and texted."

"I know, I'm getting used to it." He smiles sheepishly

"I guess you're right about that."

"I know! Come in come in!" He waves in hands and I step in his house. I feel so out of my nature.

"What do you think, John?"

"Wow... It's so pretty."

"If you insist! You look completely awed."

"I am!" I say looking around completely.

"Alrighty. What do you want to do now." Alex asks.

"Show me your room?" I smile. He looks at me smugly and as he goes down the hall, I follow.

"This is my room." He opens the door. The room is painted a shade of haint blue, to ward off ghosts as he says, and there is posters of constellations and maps over his desk. Everything is tidy and in its place. Three book are on his bed like he was reading them and there was  more on his dresser, desk, and a huge book shelf.

"You really like reading don't you?" I chuckle.

"I do. I'm saving for another shelf. I might be donating some of my books as well but I'm not sure which ones, I love them all." He smiles adoringly. "It's like I have my own library. I love rereading my books and seeing them."

"I bet. You read the the speed of Eminem raps."

"You listen to him?"

"God no. My dad did all the fucking time, it was a tad annoying."

"I was confused for a sec." He laughs.

"Yeah, I don't like rap that much." 

"I figured." Alex sat on him bed and I followed. 

"This is so weird." I said.

"What do you mean?" Alex smirked.

"You know what I mean. I'm sitting in my boyfriends house on his bed. It's surreal."

"I guess so." Alex said we were quite for a second before we both leaned in. We were kissing. It slowly turned into making out but it was slow and passionate.

"You know," Alex said between kissing me. "We wont be able to do this as often," We kissed again. "As we used to."

"That's fine. I don't have to be a hormonal teenaged boy all the time. I can just appreciate you for you. We don't need to kiss to be committed, you know."

"I know. Also, your accent is so fucking cute. I don't know if I ever told you." Alex replied. I felt the heat rising in my cheeks.

"I don't know if you have. If you did I guess I don't remember." I smiled before kissing him again.

"You know, John. I've been thinking of cutting my hair. Like short, no more pony tails short." 

"Really? I thought you liked it long?"

"I do but I want a fresh start you know?" Besides I can always grow it back. It's just hair." He shrugged kissing me. 

"True that. I'll miss it if you cut it but I wouldn't be mad. I can vision it now already." I laughed continuing our kiss.

"I go to the barbers Wednesday." I back away.

"Seriously?" I say shocked.


"I can't wait now!" I kiss him passionately and he falls back onto his bed while on top of him. Alex raises his hands and cup my cheeks bringing me closer to him. 

"Thank goodness! I was kinda worried that you were just being nice to me." Alex said visibly relieved. 

"I think I'd love it no matter what! I can't wait to see." 


Beyond Summer | DISCONTINUED | Lams AU | FragilehoneyWhere stories live. Discover now