Chapter Eleven

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I mutter a lot of hiding charms, and begin making a secret passage way. As soon as I get through the passage way, Draco flies through the window, with his broom.

"Let the game begin" he announces, and I almost laugh. He won't find my secret passage, I am too smart for that.

I use a quick Reparo charm, and the passage is sealed. His foot steps echo through the floor, as he makes his way to the bed.

Figures, I would begin a passage in the most obvious place. He won't find it though. So, I kept going until I was under actual ground. I wondering I could get far enough away to apperate.

Draco would have lost his mind looking for me. I will just go back home for a few days. Maybe I could go to the Weasley's, no I don't have time to write them.

After I am far enough away, I apperate to the leaky cauldron. That is the only place I am allowed to use magic at. I walk to my house quickly, in case Draco caught on.

"Where were you" my father demands, when I walk inside. I ignore Jim and walk over to mum.

Before I can hug her, he grabs me. Multiple punches cones at me, until he begins to pull me up the stairs. What the hell! Right when he releases his grip, I try to run. Then I realize, I'm falling.

He just pushed me down the stairs! When I hit the ground, I hear a snap. That had to have been my leg.  My dad comes back down with a murderous look. That isn't even half of what he is about to do.

After three long hours, he goes and kisses my mum before sleeping. She doesn't make a move to help me, bit her eyes hold empathy. I will never forget that look she just gave me.

Her face held sorrow and pain. I know that she cares, but if she acts upon that love she gets hurt. I understand that.

I go uo to my room and play really loud music. My father wasn't always like this. He used to be so nice. That's as until my fifth birthday...


"Hermy, get out of the street" my sister Annabelle calls. Her long blonde hair flowing in the wind. She was beautiful just then.

Her hair flew into her face but also went with the wind. She had the eyes of a leaf, they were so green. Her tan skin, matched perfectly with the summer feel. She is gorgeous.

Everything happened so fast. All I remember is the sound of a horn and the blood. The blood was everywhere. No matter how many times I tried to forget,the color red always brought back that memory. No, she isn't dead. She is in a coma. A coma that she may never come out of.

I close my eyes, as tears begin to fall down my cheeks. Why didn't I just let Draconis catch me? It would have been better than being here.

Maybe I can stay in Godrics Hollow with Harry. I would just leave tommorow... Harry won't care.

Dear Harry,

I am back at home. Draco and I had a prank fight and I escaped to my house. No one is here, as they are on a vacation. They were unaware that I would be coming home. Would you mind if I stayed with you for a few days? We could gonsee the Burrow residents and what not! I will come tommorow if you agree. Please write soon!

Hermione Granger

I send my owl off with the note, and go downstairs. It is now about four in the afternoon. My father is awake, and he is about to start hitting my mum, as I walk down.

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