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I use description and summary in this chapter but they  mean the same thing.

Let me just say something: I have read so many books that either don't have a summary or just say "Read to find out what happens"

That shit is annoying, I'm sorry.

The first thing a reader will look at is either the title or the cover. I'll talk about covers in a future chapter. If the reader likes the title and/or cover, they will proceed to click on your book and read the description to see what the story is about.

But if you don't have a summary, how is a person supposed to do that, huh?

It fucks up that system.

Let me tell you why a description is essential for getting people to read your work. A summary/description is like a preview of your story. You can also consider a summary the trailer for a movie, for example. It gives the viewer a sneak peak or hint on what they will watch or see later. And, it will motivate them and convince them to give your book a try.

Without a summary, it may look like your book is rushed and messy and it gives the reader the idea that it's just "whatever" and it isn't worth their time; even if the story itself is amazing.

The trick to writing a good summary is to watch what you say but say what needs to be said. Here's what I mean by that:

Put yourself in this situation: You're going to the movie theatre and the trailer for IT Chapter 2 comes on. When the film makers are making a trailer, they will put in things that will draw in the viewer to their story without giving away any key points, plots or secrets in the film. By doing this, you will be interested in viewing or considering taking a look at this film in the future because the trailer left you wanting more and wanting to know what happens.

A movie trailer and a summary/description are not different at all.

Both show the same luring aspects without giving away to much info, but said what is needed to be said in order to encourage you to read or watch their story. A good summery is detailed and unique and gives a preview of future events. It will introduce characters, settings, and the brief storyline while still keeping some sort of secret aspect into it. Summaries should leave the reader with questions or an in a sense of curiosity that can only be solved by.... *Cue Dustin's Drumroll* .....reading your book!!!

These are 2 examples of summaries that I've written.

The Secret She's Kept:  Why would you hide this from me, El? Maybe if you told me, I could have helped you sooner! What ever happened to "Friends dont lie"? ~Mike

P-please forgive me! I'm scared Mike. I thought it was all in my head... I thought it would go away but I think I'm connected to it now... and i don't know how to get away. I need you. ~El

Months after the gate was closed, El went missing again, taken by Brenner and taken back to the supposedly shut down lab where Brenner does an experiment on her to improve her connection with the Upside Down but it backfires and she becomes vulnerable to The Mind Flayer as it possesses her. A few months later, he starts to hear her voice in his dreams, begging for him to save her. They manage to save El from a terrifying place; though when she comes back, she isn't really the same and she refuses to tell anyone what really happened in the lab. Another threat has entered Hawkins, this time, it has control of El, and it refuses to leave her and Hawkins without a fight. Can Mike, El and the party stop the threat, or will it tear Mike and El apart?

This ends with a question and the events are eye opening and slightly alarming that can convince readers to give it a try. Also, adding climactic dialogue in a summary will really boost up the appearance of it, only if the usage is done well.

This is a Marvel fanfic summary that I wrote when I was bored, it's not that good *shrugs*. Might write this in the future but i don't know honestly.

10 Words: HYDRA made Bucky Barnes into an extremely dangerous weapon. So is there any reason why they shouldn't do likewise to his younger sister?  Rebecca Irisina Barnes/Iris Barnes AKA The Stygian (Dark) Soldier is known for having the same number of slaughter streaks as The Winter Soldier, perhaps more. At age 28, she gets frozen with her brother who she doesn't even reconize anymore. HYDRA wakes them up years later, after a mission, her brother manages to escape while Iris is caught in the hands of HYDRA to be utilized for missions (specifically against the Avengers)Years later, Iris escapes and continues to hide from the public until her brother finds her. However, what happens when this super soldier assassin winds up with the Avengers, can hardly reconize her own brother and long-lasting crush, has a metal arm and needs to manage 10 Words that can send her into an unmerciful killing spree?

Let's not forget the very few HYDRA agents and other forces who will do anything to find her and bring her back into captivity.

That summary leaves a sense of struggle and mystery with  the last lines, though the events are partially laid out above. It also shows the something big will happen in your story that is worth reading. A description like this will help draw in readers and punch your future readers in the face with that mystery and questioning aspect.

Love, Mya/Milheaven ❤

PS: what should I talk about next? Comment on the ideas below


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