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Ally's pov

It was 10:00am and I was deciding on what clothes I should wear to go to the skating park. I heard a small whimper behind me. I turned around and saw my dog, Greef. He dropped his food bowl right beside my leg. "Ok boy I'll feed you just let me change first." I changed into my cute denim shorty shorts, black high-top converse,a cute black crop top, my favorite black sweat shirt, and a grey beanie. As I was feeding my dog Greef I heard a voice behind me say " Hey look the Ally is awake run for your lives aaaah!!!!!" I turned around to see my best friend Bella.Bella was wearing a gray beanie, black high top converse,a white crop top, some cute black shorts, a black sweatshirt, and a necklace that says sing and dance. I said "Ha ha how funny hey can you pass me my skateboard" "Yea sure so where are you going" Bella asked while passing me my skateboard. "I'm going to the skating park duuuuuuuuh!!!!!" "Oh ya you always go there on weekends huh" Bella said as she started to make breakfast. "What you makin Bellers" I asked as I headed toward the door. "I'm makin pancakes, eggs, and waffles" Bella said as she turned on the stove and took out the pancake batter. As I headed out the door Greef started whinnying. "I'll be back boy don't worry if you need anything tell Bella"I said. As I was walking toward the skating park I bumped into this guy. I like fell flat on my face. "Oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok???" he asked as he helped me up.The boy was wearing a dark black T-shirt that said I didn't do it,some skinny jeans, his hair was black with a few strands of teal, and some black low top converse."It's ok I wasn't looking where I was going, it's not your fault, really" "Ok well, I'm still really sorry" He said" You're cool what's your name" "My real name is Alex but you can call me Ally, all my other friends do" I said dusting myself off. "Ally,cute name for a cute girl" "Ok pretty boy what's your name" I asked looking strait into his pretty brown eyes. "My names Michael"he said while holding my hand.

Bella's pov

"Ugh I'm so bored I'm gonna call Jodi"(That's Bella's BFF). So as I called Jodi Greef started to whimper. I noticed his water bowl was empty, so I poured some fresh water with ice cubes floating on top!!! So I called Jodi and she came over instantly. "Wow that was fast" "Ya couldn't wait so hey where's Ally" she asked opening the fridge to find food. "Oh uh, she's at the skating park" I said brushing my hair to the side. "Oh ya, she always goes on weekends huh" "Um ya so hey do you want to watch titanic, I got popcorn with butter!!!!" I yelled with excitement. "Omg ya I haven't watched that sad movie in forever I love it!!!!" Jodi yelled as she got the popcorn bag and propped it in the microwave. "Hey want some ice cream with that popcorn" I asked as I turned on the tv and slumped on the couch. "Ya sure, what flavors ya got" "Well, I got cookies and cream, Rocky Road, and chocolate swirl" I said catching my breath. So Jodi grabbed cookies and cream and the popcorn with butter. "Hey do you think Ally'll be ok on her own" I asked with a frantic look on my face. "Ya she's 17 but what if she got kidnapped or stabbed or-" "Jodi you're not helping!!!!" I yelled. "I'm gonna go and call Luke he'll know what to do"I said as I picked up my phone. "Hey it's Luke" Luke said in a cheery voice."Hey Luke it's bells"I said in a weird yet urgent voice. "Bells you ok what's up""Hey well I'm worried about Ally" I said as Jodi kept watching titanic. "Ok well where is she" he asked in a frantic voice. "Oh, um she went to the skating park" "Ok meet me there in 20 minuets" he said. "Ok bye thanks baby" I said in a sweet voice. "No prob princess" he said as he started to hang up. "Wow that is so sad jack's dead why jack why" Jodi cried into the popcorn."Jodi it's just a movie based on the real thing so will ya shut up" I yelled in to a pillow. "Look I know you're worried about Ally but you got about 10 minuets to get to the skating park and meet Luke there" said Jodi poking me on the head. "Oh crap I forgot, bye" I said running out the door.

Michael's pov

"Wow I can't believe I'm holding hands with Ally" "Hey do you want to go to the movies today" Ally asked leaning on me. "Sure why not" I said looking into her amazingly dark brown eyes. "Okay well what movie do you want to watch" "Oh well you're the girl hear you're supposed to pick the movie" I said laughing. "Ok um divergent" she asked looking at her phone which had a picture of me and her as her screensaver. "Aww I love your screensaver of us" I said as she turned her phone off. "Thanks you know I love you right" "Ya" I said looking at her. "That's why I put you and me as my screensaver" she said giving me a sweet look. "You're the best girlfriend ever"I said with my cheeks turning bright pink. "I love you to baby" Ally said along with her cheeks turning red.

Bella's pov

"Ok I'm here even though I was just a few minuets late" I said trying to catch my breath. But when I looked up I saw Ally with a guy that had black hair with a few strands of teal in his hair!!!! "Ally what the hell" I screamed my head off. "What's wrong Bella" Ally asked looking at the dude she was holding hands with. "Wait a sec aren't you Michael from 5SOS" I asked feeling ashamed that I screamed at their faces. "Um,ya so uh, who are you"Michael asked in a frantic voice. "Oh sorry she scared you and this is Bella my best friend and she's like my big sister so you get the picture" Ally said giving me an angry glare." Heh sorry I-I'm just really pretective of her" I said with my cheeks turning blood red. "Oh it's ok I understand and just to let you know she's in good hands"Michael said holding Ally's hands and leaning in for a kiss. Then out of nowhere they like kissed right in front of my face. I was like what the hell! "So um where you guys heading to" I asked. "Oh we're going to the movies" Michael said pulling out his phone to check what time the movie starts.

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