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Third person pov:
"Don't you know what you just done Mujo!!" Exclaimed Ayano "No I didn't know what I done!!" Mujo Exclaimed back, all the rest of the rivals was looking at the screen that had (y/n) profile but most importantly her sanity was down Mujo hurt her child when woken upon seeing blood on her legs she was crying Yano saw her and took her to the hospital and came back with 30% of her sanity is there Mido yelled "it's her sanity dumbass when she thought hayanari left her her child is dead from just birth and she had nobody to think of no more!!",Hanako said/yelled "is it my turn yet" all the male turn to the left to see taeko's younger brother "maybe she can talk to me" Mido was about to say something but looked at the screen and hayanari kissing their senpai " ayano look!" "Huh?- I thought that you broke them up Megamo?!!" " I thought I did but I guess he called her for forgiveness" "forgiveness my ass Hanako it's your turn to get your lovers heart!!" "Yayyyy" Hanako exciting said "bye!!" As Hanako left Yandere-Chan look at the screen again and saw that (y/n) sanity was at 88% this kinda good that she isn't with Takeo but she can't tell the rivals that her plan work because they're already turning into her.... maybe her plan worked a little too good...

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