Cabin 30

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As requested by: officialbirlem


A smut between musically teens, Gavin Vandaele, and Joey Birlem. But of course you're free to choose whoever is the cast if you don't know them like I do.

'This is going to be fun' Gavin thought, he is currently sitting on a bench near the entrance of The all boys Camp, Waiting for his mum to finish talking with the Camp manager

He noticed all the boys running around and some were sitting and talking to one another, He felt lonely, not knowing anyone. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice,

"Okay Gavin, I already talked to your mum, you're all set! Make sure to say goodbye okay?" The Camp manager said to Gavin Vandaele.

"Will do, Ms. Schinder." Gavin said with a polite smile, and ran towards his mum to say his goodbyes. With one final wave she drove away from the gates of the camp.

Ms. Schnider shook his shoulder gently, "Are you ready bud? You're in cabin 30, do you want me to assist you or do you want to go alone?" She asked Gavin.

"Yes I am! and No thank you, I can find it on my own, i'd like the adventure." Gavin chuckled, then grabbed his bag and the cabin key, and he ran deeper in the camp.

He looked at the place, admiring the tall trees and the greeneries around him, not paying attention to where he was going. Suddenly Gavin's body was on the ground, his head was spinning from the impact and his vision was slightly blurred.

He looked at what caused this and saw another boy on the ground with hands on head, Gavin blinks and got a clearer view, he has soft brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and soft pink lips. He didn't even notice the handsome boy calling him out, "-lloo..? Hello? Could you watch where you're going?" The other boy asked irritatedly.

Gavin blinked again and gave a goofy smile, "Hi... I'm Gavin..." he said and offered a handshake. The boy gave off a weird look but still accepted the handshake, "Joey..." he replied.

Silenced seeped in and Gavin blushed as they kept on shaking each others warm hand, Joey noticed him getting all red. "Okay.. Ga-vin, next time you should really watch where you were going." Joey said to him.

Ignoring the good looks, Gavin got irritated as well, "You know, I'm not the only one to blame. You should've seen or heard me running." Gavin stated.

They both got up with a huff, "pshh, whatever it's your fault anyway..." Joey said to him. Gavin just rolled his eyes and picked up his bag, slamming Joey slightly on the chest while doing so.

Joey gasped, "Oh-.... rude fuck." He said, but Gavin already walked away leaving him alone, 'He's kinda cute tho...' Joey thought, then went back texting.

Gavin passed by many cabins on the way, they were nice looking for an all boys camp, also they were pretty far away from each other for privacy reasons.

He finally reached Cabin 30, it was at the end of the site, reaching about 2 minutes of running. Gavin was sweating now, droplets were cascading down his neck, into the trails of his taint abs underneath the tight shirt he's wearing.

Gavin looked around to see if theres someone around, there was none. He quickly removed his shirt and saw it soaked on the chest part, he wiped his forehead using the shirt and whipped it on his shoulder.

He grabbed the key from his pocket and went to the porch of the cabin, it was a nice rustic wood with stone brick walls. He unlocked the cabin and was greeted by a spacious interior, there were 2 beds beside each other with matching desks on the side, and in between was a white fur rug, also theres a bathroom on the far left.

Joey Birlem x Gavin VandaeleWhere stories live. Discover now