xii. rock 'n' roll over

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NOVEMBERS IN NEW YORK WERE SHIT. I wrapped the grey woolen coat tighter around my body, trying to cover my face in the red scarf I had decided to put on when walking out of my home. It turned out to be a good idea since I was shivering even now.

Well, at least it isn't raining.

I swore out loud when I stepped in the large puddle on the pavement. The muddy water splashed all over my shoes and I felt the urge to scream so loud, that people all over Manhattan get to hear it. Still, I pulled the scarf over my mouth and continued down the street.

I sighed in relief when I entered the familiar building where Bill's office was housed in. The warmth of the lobby wrapped around me like a hug and I smiled.

The elevator took me to the twelve floor of the building and I walked out, looking around to find the room. Soon, I noticed one of the doors had a big board on it with the name 'Bill Aucoin'. I knocked and after I heard his voice from inside, I softly pressed on the door handle.

"Ah, Lillian come in," I heard him say and I turned around to see him walk out of another room, waving his hand for me to follow. I walked into what seemed like a conference room, judging from the huge round table in the middle of it. In one of the chairs around it was Gene Simmons, sprawled like a cat with one of his legs resting over his leather-clad knee. A cup of coffee was resting on the table in front of him. A grin stretched on his face when he saw me.

"Hello darling," he purred, making me roll my eyes. Some things never change.

"Hey Gene," I answered, taking off my coat and putting it on the hanger next to the door. I fixed the collar of my burgundy turtleneck and sat on the chair next to the bassist.

"Do you want something," Bill asked, " water, coffee, anything else?"

"A coffee would be nice," I answered. Bill nodded and walked out of the room. I looked around. I had never been to his office before, so I didn't really know what to expect. The room was far from luxurious, yet it had everything needed. I noticed a pile of files on one end of the table, probably the plans for the tour.

"You seem different," Gene said, his voice pulling me back to reality. "But in a good way different. The shirt color is nice. Is your skin tanned?"

"Yeah, I went to Miami with my family for a couple of weeks. Sorta treating them for my new job. Which wasn't that new at that point but... you know," I explained, looking up at Gene. He shook his head disapprovingly.

"Why didn't I know you went to Miami?"

"Because you don't care? You didn't even call once during the break! I'm starting to doubt that friendship of ours at this point," I teased, making him roll his eyes. He looked at me then and smirked.

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