#1: Valentine's Day

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He woke you up in the usual way, moving his thumb softly over your tummy where his hand was splayed out, kissing aimlessly at the back of your neck, over the slope of the bones there, breaths slow and shallow.

It was calm and peaceful, a gentle reminder of his warmth, and how he was so aware that you didn't want a fancy night out, all you wanted was his company.

And that's exactly what you got.

"Babe? Baby, hey, wake up."

The timid little greeting had you sighing into the pillow, waking up as he kissed behind your ear, settling his nose there. "You awake?" He questioned again, pulling you closer into his chest.

"Am now," you grumbled, still tired from lack of sleep. He looked a bit downcast at the slight annoyance in your remark but brushed it off, slinging your legs off the side of the bed to his dismay to go to use the bathroom, wash your face and brush your teeth.

As you left, his arm reached pathetically across the bed to stop you with a little whine, missing completely. "I'll be right back Ed, goodness," you said, patting his hand before going about your business.

When you came back, he was holding the side of the blankets up, inviting you under, where he was laying on his back. You smiled and obliged, tucking yourself into his side as his arms came to hold you, your head on his chest.

"You're so pretty," he mumbled down to you, threading a strand of your hair around his fingers, turning his face into the top of your head, leaving kisses there. You smiled, laying your hand on his chest, over his heart, tracing circles into his soft skin.

He held around your waist, the other hand's pointer finger coming under your chin to turn your head towards him before guiding you into a slow, gentle kiss.

"I love you," he stated simply, against the corner of your mouth where he pressed his lips gently, "Happy Valentines Day, now let's waste it, shall we?"

You laughed against him, the sound reverberating against his chest, the feeling rolling off his lips. You nodded once, reaching your hand downwards, with a little smirk at his surprised expression, and how his body went instantly warm and pliant against yours.

Something caught your eye as you wanted to sit up to straddle him, seeing the two vases on the bedside table; one that looked bought from the flower shop, and the other that looked hand picked, stuck in a little mug.

Your heart melted at his expression, how peaceful and happy he looked, and when you asked a quiet little, "Ed, are those for me?" and he nodded, he'd held your hand and kissed it with the hum against your knuckles to confirm.

"Aw, you picked those?" You said, nodding towards the (slightly wilted) dandelions and some other plants that resembled flowers, and he laughed, flushing red and nodding, cradling the back of your head so you'd have to lean down to kiss him again, his palm warm and gentle over your neck, thumb stroking at the side.

"I love it," you said, as the kiss started to deepen, his other hand working at your hip, holding you close to him, "And I love you."

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