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For some odd reasons "Yanghwa Bridge" looked very quiet that dark december night

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For some odd reasons "Yanghwa Bridge" looked very quiet that dark december night.No cars or trucks passing in that time of the day.The hazel haired boy was sitting at the top of the bridge,legs hanging down and moving in a slow peace.He was humming a quiet melody loving the sound of the calm and pitch dark water.His head was laying in his long arm and his cheeks were a deep shade of red.Maybe it was from the cold or maybe just because he was a little tipsy.Or maybe both.But the boy didn't hear the slow footsteps comming closer and closer making a low screeching sound.And he definitely didn't see the pale veiny hand reaching slowly for his exposed neck.He took a soft breath and one of his earphones fell from his ear.It seemed like everything was slowing down but when the hazel haired boy turned his head to take a look at whoever was walking towards him it was too late.He was met with two dark orbs starring right through his soul and a pair of bloody lips who turned into a dark smirk,giving the younger goosebumps.The boy parted his lips ready to let out a scream but it was too late.Too late to scream,to run or to beg for mercy.It was too damn late because now the monster's pale hands were wrapped around his neck taking away all the air out of his lungs.
He was now waiting for his death to come and take him in it's arms but just as he thought that everything was over,he was over,he heard a low whisper right next to his ear:
What do you think babyboy,should i crack your skull open right now or should i save it for some other time?But if i was your place i'd save my self some trouble and beg to be killed this instant ...

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