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(A/N) Hey! So this is my second book on Wattpad and it will not be a FanFiction. I'm not going to write in POV, I'm going to try writing the way most books do; in third person. I hope this turns out alright and you all will VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE.

Please give me feedback! Thanks.


"Hurry up and eat your breakfast, Lottie," Charlotte's mother scolded her only daughter. Charlotte took a deep breath in annoyance and snatched the raisin toast out of her mothers waiting hands.

She took it with her to her room and threw it into her small office bin. Charlotte hates eating, in fear of becoming obese and adding another thing to her worry list. She didn't want the bullies to have yet another thing to bully her about.

Charlotte grabbed her toothpaste and toothbrush out of her toiletry bag and rushed to clean her teeth before she would miss the bus. If it was her choice, she would purposely take her time and miss the bus. Unfortunately, she knew it would get her grounded.

"Lottie! You're going to miss the bus!" Blake, her younger sibling, all but screamed at her from down the hall.

Slumping her shoulders, she sighed. Another boring day of hell (a.k.a school). Running outside, she catches up to Blake halfway to the bus stop.

"Took you long enough," Blake snickered. He knew how much Charlotte sucked at sport, but continuously teased her about it, which would often end up in Blake holding his precious jewels.

The little asshole. Charlotte thought as her toe itched to kick him in his goods. Instead, she poked her tongue out towards him like the immature child she liked to be and stomped past him and over to the bus loading area.


Once the siblings had arrived to school, they hopped off the bus and bid farewell to one another before heading off to their own area of the school.

"Look who turned up, the pathetic slut herself," Bailey spat. Bailey was the girl who bullied girls that were under her in the school food chain. Although she had brown hair, and wasn't as dumb as everyone thought, she was a down right bitch.

Her followers laughed at her comment. Charlotte ignored Bailey and her minions, but hung her head low as she passed the four girls.

She sat down in her usual seat; at the very back corner of the classroom next to the window. She let her gaze drop down to her wrist which was covered in scars. She noticed her sleeve had somehow travelled up her arm a little, so she quickly pulled it back down in worry of anyone noticing her "art".

Charlotte was soon broken out of her daydream about Heath Ledger when a boy pulled the seat out from beside her and sat down. She was beyond shocked her had sat down next to her. "Must be new," she muttered to herself. At least, that's what she thought.

A low chuckle escaped from the boys lips, "yes, I am new here."

"Oh," her cheeks flamed red in embarrassment but she nodded her head nonetheless, allowing her hair to make a shield around her face.

"What's your name?"

She struggled to find words, still shocked he was talking to her, but managed to choke out in a small voice, "Lottie."

"I'm -" The mystery boy was cut off my an annoying shriek coming from none other than, Bailey.

"Jacob! Don't touch her!" She looked down to see Jacob's hand frozen in mid air. "She has an STD, you might catch it."

Wait, maybe she was dumb. You can only catch Sexually Transmitted Diseases by sexual intercourse. Everyone knew that. Jacob was in shock, he didn't even think twice before he stood up so quickly his chair fell backwards.

Jacob walked over to Bailey and her groups table, giving me one last sympathetic glance.

I hate you, Bailey. She repeated over and over in her head.

Out of no where, all the chaos inside the classroom fell silent. She looked up from her desk and noticed Zedd standing in the classroom doorway. His smirk took up most of his features, looking like he had no care in the work.

Zedd's eyes scanned over the classroom's crowd before they landed on Charlotte's at the very back. If it was even humanely possible, his smirk got even wider.

Charlotte was quick to avert her eyes to the whiteboard at the very front of the classroom. Even though it was blank, she couldn't help but think how interesting it looked this morning.

As quickly as the noise had stopped, it started back up again, only this time it was smaller talk. Once again, the chair next to Charlotte was pulled out with a deafening screech. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she craned her neck to the side to find out who had seated them self next to her.

Zedd himself was there, already staring at Charlotte's tiny figure. She figured he was only there to throw insults at her, so she blocked out everything around her.

"Hey, Char. What are you doing?" Zedd all of a sudden said, leaning backwards on his chair causing the front legs to rise off the ground.

"Don't call me that," She grunted. She hated that nick-name.

"Too bad I like the name, Char," he retorted. She wondered if smirking was the only thing Zedd knew how to do.

"Leave me alone, Jake." Charlotte's voice lowered an octave as she mentioned his first name.

Zedd narrowed his eyes into thin slits. If there was one thing he hated the most; it was being called by his first name. "Don't you dare call me that. Don't want yet another person to hate you now, do you?"

Zedd grabbed a loudspeaker out of nowhere and brought it up to his mouth. "Attention. Attention! Charlotte Finn over here is a prostitute. Ever noticed money gone missing in your wallet or purse? Charlotte Finn is the culprit. Her family is poor and pathetic. She even manipulates her friends and uses their money too. Whenever their back are turned, she sneaks a few notes in her bra. I've seen it with my own eyes."

Charlotte was standing within the crowd, sobbing so hard her vision was becoming blurry. None of that was true! What has she ever done to get Zedd on her bad side? Nothing!

"Look at her. Crying to get your sympathy. Don't fall for her pathetic facade, she will deceive you too. She -"

Charlotte never knew what he said after that because she was out of the school and already running the forty-five minute walk home on foot, crying till her eyes were dry.

She was a mess for weeks, months even. She then started self-harming and the bullying was constant. She had gotten so bruised mentally and physically that one day she had given up all together.

She snuck into her fathers shed and stole a rope to tie around a hook on the roof. Wrapping it around her neck, she stepped off the chair she was standing on.

Suddenly, the door had opened and in came a puffed out Alex. Her older brother. He was supposed to be in College right now, why was he here? I thought I locked the door? She had thought.

"Lottie!" He had screamed. He had sounded so hurt, broken and defeated.

A couple of days later Charlotte had returned to school refusing to go to therapy. A new student had just arrived. She introduced herself, wanting to have at least one friend. They sat together at lunch and in class for the whole week. Eventually, he ignored her.

She had even tried to talk and contact him, but in response he had shunned her.

Coby Dameburne.


My Mistake, Jake. (COMING SOON)Where stories live. Discover now