Author's Note (July 22nd, 2018)

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Okay, new story!

Please read the description and send me covers, okay? I'll update as I can, you know the drill. I have a few things coming up, like the launch of the next in the Flower Series, Wattpad Block Party (don't forget to add the book, lots of amazing giveaways, fan shoutouts, stuff like that), Wattcon, AND I'm driving cross country with my family, so yeah, cut me some slack on the updating 😉

And I'm giving away an autographed copy of Pete & Daisy on the Winter Flowers blog tour that starts on Monday, and it's open to anyone! I'll be advertising it on my FB author page and my Twitter, so please follow me, and enter the giveaway, I'd be thrilled if one of you won!

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