Fenixs deal

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Abigail was a redhead who wore a navy blue druffle dresse she had a sparklely blue bolero jacket on her neck she wore had a Sapphire pendent her leggions where black Abigail wore brown carmal uggies and finally she had fingerless gloves. Abigail was in the stables with her Viliot and Lamb black drake dragon Avery. "Is it bad that im jealous of my sister" said Abigail to heself. Avery shock her head "i guess everyone gets jealous sometimes" said Abigail. "Abigail Flitsawyer Entiey what a lovly surprise to see you" said a man. This man was Fenix Bucannon her uncle. "Fenix what are u doimg here" said Abigail. "I see my godchild is getting jealous of her sister" said Fenix. "I will make a deal with you" said Fenix "i help you overthrow your sisster and you let me rule along side you" said Fenix. "Sorry i have to decline" said Abigail walking out off the room. Later that night while Abigail was trying to sleep Abigail had a dream where Fenix was torcuring her. Abigail woke up straight away. "Fenix i accept" said Abigail. Fenix flew anto her bed as a Phonix. Abigails eyes turned Crisom red and then back into sage green. The next day Abigail was watching big sister Bree. Bree was also a redhead she had freckles she always wore her hair in a bun she wore a mini dreese and Bree had a trionice arm. Abigail popped her bubble and walked past her. Abigail went back to her freiends who where heading over to Northcrag Her friends where Chung-li, Lara and Spark. "Hey guys" said Abigail. "Hey" they all said. Abigail looked up there was a woman in the window she had pale white skin and she dad white with some teal in her hair. A Horacaw (a tropical bird comman in there region) fainted after seeing the woman. "Well hes dead" said Lara pokeing him in the back. Abigail still had her eye on the woman. The woman also had no face apart from her mouth but that was the only thing she had. The woman stared down at Abigail before dissapering. Abigail looked down all her friends where gone inside. Abigail followed them. Abigail went into Fantastic libary where the woman was sitting. She had a verry deep and matcure tone to her voice. The woman wore white strap on boots an teal sleeveless split-dresse with an iron chestplat and a jeweled crown. The woman stood the quitly doing nothing. Abigail found a bottle of achohol on the matt. Abigail had an idea Abigail was going to posion Bree by putting posion with the Achohol. "Hello" said the woman now facing her "im E.B your fathurs dealer" "what do you mean" said Abigail? "Im your fathurs business worker his ali his trader" said E.B. "are u coming" said Chung-li not seeing E.B. Abigail feft the room felling comfused and unsafe. Next they went to the pub area. Spark and Abigail where both leageally abeal to dink (in Gaurdania your only alowed to dink until your 20) Abigail being 20 and Spark was  21 years old. Abigail orderd a honey beer and Spark orderd a chi Minh. Chung-li orderd a mini tart and Lara orderared an Whitbread. The woman was there again watching them eat. "Who wants to play pool" said Abigail getting off her seat. "Nah" they all said. E.B was getting closser to here. Abigail ran out off the room E.B still following her. Abigail went downstairs to the commanroom. Abigail looked back E.B was still there. "But im your Ali" said so calm it sounded evil "do you not trust me" "leave me alone" shouted Abigail. "Jezz ok" said E.b dissapering off. Abigail sat down on a armchair just watching the flames form the fire burn. Fenix came in as his Phonix self her had a book in her book. "The Inci Ridean" she read. It had witchcraft, monsters, mystical creatures, wepons and most importly how to propperly kill someone. Abigail read it it had tons of tips for her like how to improve your foghting and for some reasson it had quite a lot off contorshion moves. when everyone was gone Abigail deciderd to go into the kitchean and make herself something. The kitchean looked really old-fashioned. E.b appeard behinde Abigail. "Friend" she stammerd. "What do you want woman" yelled Abigail. "Did you know Queen Estari, King Tom and I where the three descendents" E.b said. "The three descendents" said Abigail. "YESS" slutterd E.B walking away. Later that night Abigail couldent stop thinking about E.B even her dragon Avery became a little anxious for her. Abigail was really stresssed and i mean REALLY stressed. The next day Abigail was out dragon ridding when she spotted something in the clouds. Abigail flew Avery uo to the clouds. There was a whole kingdom in the clouds there was a hudge ice castle in the clouds. Abigail landed on the clouds. She went into the ice castle ice  the first thing she saw was a hudge ice thrown at the end of a hudge hall. There where four ice foutions in the hall there was a bridge to the traning areq to the apoticary. "Hello" said a woman behinde her. She had a cyan blue hair in one long high ponytail a winter queen crown  and she had an Azure ice queen dresse. "Im Estari Crystal how may i help you" she said. Abigail looked at her hand it started glowing oxfard blue. Snowflakes came out off his hands. "Abigail you have ice powers" said Estari shocked. The next day Bree and Abigail where in Killamana. 

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