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This has nothing to do with the story but Zach looks cute asf here and I'm getting emotional😂💓

Zach's POV
I woke up in the morning by the sound of my alarm going off instantly groaning realising its Monday. And I start thinking about Skylar and if she'd be at school. Its weird ever since yesterday I can't stop thinking about her. She's just so beautiful especially when she was sleeping she looked so precocious and care free.
(Time skip to when young Zachary is at school cos I'm lazy like that)

As I was walking in the school front doors the bell goes off perfect timing I thought. I started walking to my first class, maths ugh. I walked into the class and saw my friend Matthew. "Hey man." I heard him say as I was walking up to him. "What's u-" I was interrupted by the teacher.

She started talking about how we'll be doing algebra, I hate algebra it is so useless when are we ever going to need this in our lives again? Then all of a sudden Skylar popped into my head. I looked around the class to see if I could see her anywhere. Maybe she's in a different class? Or school? Maybe she's home schooled? "Zach you alright buddy." Matthew asked me with a chuckle. "Oh yeah I'm fine." I said with an awkward laugh.

Skylar's POV   (Sorry not sorry)
Its now been a couple hours since my mum left and I've just sat here watching Netflix. I started thinking about Zach. I wondered where he is right now. Probably school. I decided to watch a few more episodes of Riverdale.

I have now watched four more episodes of Riverdale and I'm up to date. I kinda want to go on a walk so I went upstairs and got my hoodie and my black vans. I walked out of my house closing the door behind me. I didn't really know where I was going but I decided to go left.

I checked my phone and 2 o'clock, I guess I was distracted by everything on my mind. Zach consumed 90% of my mind I could hardly stop thinking about him. Talking about Zach he should be finishing school right now.

I am now at my front door when I hear someone call my name. I turned round to see Zach. I immediately start smiling. "Hi." I said with a wave. I noticed someone standing behind him. Come over?" He shouted as a question to me from across the street. I then saw my brother Leo walking towards me. "Uhhh maybe another day I'm busy today." I replied with a frown. "Ooo little miss slut got herself another boyfriend?" I heard Leo whisper in my ear as he walked past me. "See ya later Skylar." Zach said. "Sorry again, bye Zach." I said as I walked to the front door of my house. When I got inside I went straight up to my room.

I really did want to hang out with Zach today but then Leo happened.

Hey my loves, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm sorry about the late update but my WiFi was being dumb and didn't let me update :( so I gave you a chapter a little longer than usual.

Thank you so much for reading this book it genuinely means so much to me.

I love and appreciate you all😘❤.

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USELESS & WORTHLESS//Zach Herron FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now