Day one: Oh dear...

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Today was the day, your first day as the prince's personal butler. Don't screw it up. Don't screw it up. Don't screw it up. And lets just say... You were really nervous.

I mean, this was the prince. Next in line for the throne, and you were his personal butler!

You stood at the door in your two toned, blue bowtie and black tail coat waiting to be introduced by Viola, the maid you were working with.

"I can promise you, the prince is much more lax and kind than his folks," she whispered to you. And she knocked on the door, you visibly stiffened.

"Come in!" Came the sultry voice of the prince, it sounded frustrated and like a slightly higher pitched Cecil, from the Night Vale radio show you listened to from time to time.

She opened the door, "Ah! Viola! Perfect, I would assume, that this is the butler my parents hired for me?"

"Yes, R, this is (Y/n) (L/n)."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness."

"The pleasure is all mine, and you don't have to be so formal, loosen up a bit, you look as stiff as a log, sit down please."
He gestured to a chair by his desk. You walked over and sat down.

"Well, I have to go help Mary in the kitchen so I'll be off." Viola gave you thumbs up and left.

R then turned to you and smiled, "So... What's your favorite colour?" He half smiled and then cringed at that comment, before looking up and looked at his lamp the way people look into the camera at the office. "Sorry that was stupid..."

"Oh no. It isn't, I was about to ask you the same thing. In all honesty..." You chuckled to yourself. "And its blue, by the way."

The prince chuckled as well, "Well then, I guess that bowtie suits you." He smirked.
You stiffened a bit more and pressed your lips together as you felt your face heat up.

"Sorry, my brain is a little fried at the moment." R put his head in his hands.


"MATH!" There was so much pain in his eyes.

You couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Here let me see."

My Prince (R x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now