Chapter 2: Secrets Among The Bonfire

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I do not own these characters they belong to Rooster Teeth.

Everyone is around the ages of 12-14.


Max- 14

Nikki- 13

Neil- 14

Spacekid- 12

Everyone is 14

Warning: This story contains explicit language  

Bold Letters are Max's Thoughts.

Underlined Letters are Nikki's Thoughts.

Italicized and Underlined letters are Neil's thoughts

Underlined and Bold Letters are the rest of the campers thoughts.

Italicized and Bold Letters are David and Gwen's thoughts. 

Max's POV

I looked out at the water thinking about what the heck happened back at waterfall. I'm honestly so confused! What the fuck happened back there?! All the sudden I felt my heart start beating and there were butterflies in my stomach. AM I SICK OR SOMETHING?! I should just forget about it for now, we need to head back soon anyway. I turned to Nikki. She seemed lost in thought. "Nikki? NIKKI!" I screamed . "AH! Oh my goodness, Max you scared me!" She replied "Sorry, but we need to start heading back it's getting late." I said.  "You're right let's go!" Nikki said and she jumped up.  Then she offered me her hand.  I took it, and as soon as I did my heart started beating and I looked up at Nikki, my face bright red. "Ok Let's Go!"She said looking away.  She then ran off taking me with her.

No One's POV 

David and Gwen stood at the entrance of the woods waiting for three more groups to return: Max and Nikki, Neil and Space Kid, and Harrison and Nerris.  Harrison and Nerris soon came into sight fighting. "Harrison your face is ugly!" Nerris said to Harrison. "No, your face is the ugly one!" Harrison replied back. "Now, now campers no fighting! Today's supposed to be all about fun and bonding!" David said to the two. After a few minutes of Nerris and Harrison fighting, and Ered complaining about how uncool everything was,  Neil and Space Kid showed up and Max and Nikki shortly after them. Max's face was still bright red from what had occurred. "Okey Dokey Campers! Time to head to the bonfire to sing some songs, tell stories and make s'mores!" David said. Then he began on his was leading the campers to the bonfire.

Neil's POV

Looks like something happened with Max and Nikki. Max's face is bright red! Maybe I should ask both of them what happened. 

Nikki's POV

I'm still very confused about what happened back at the lake. Was I having stomach pains again? I'm so confused!

Max+Nikki's POV

I need to talk to Neil! Maybe he might be able to explain what happening!

Max's POV

David led us to the bonfire and we all sat down on these conveniently placed wooden logs. I sat down next to Nikki and Neil. I need to find a way to talk to Neil alone without Nikki getting suspicious. "Hey Max can I talk to you in private for a second?" Neil asked me. Well seemed like he beat me to it. "Sure, why not?" I answered.  "We'll be right back Nikki." Neil said. "Oh, Ok but when you're down I need to talk to Neil!" Nikki shouted as we walked away. Neil led us to an area not too close but not too far away form the bonfire and then checked see if there was anyone around then he said  "Ok, Max I need to ask you what happened when you and Nikki were alone together?" Neil asked me. "W-what? Nothing!" I replied nervously. "Max I tell at least something went on between to two. So what happened?" He asked me. "Ok, fine something did happen but first I need to know two things." I said. "Sure, what is it?" Neil asked me. "First, do you promise no to say a word to anyone, cause if you I will make you wish you never did no matter if you're my friend or not." I said "Yeah, of course I promise there's not really anyone here I talk to that much so yeah, now what's the second the question?"He replied "Great, Now the second question is.. Do you like Nikki?" I asked him. " Of course I like Nikki she's our friend." He replied. " No, I mean as more than friend." I said "No, of course not! She's like my sister!" Neil answered. "Well that's good." I said "But, what does that have to do with what happened in the forest?" He said confused. "Well, that's I want to ask you about. While we were alone in the woods we stopped by a waterfall and as Nikki stood there I noticed that she had a sparkle in her eye which I notice but no this much, and then my heart started pounding and my stomach started feeling like there were tons of mini butterflies floating around. Then when we were sitting at a tree she touched my hand and my face all the sudden felt hot. So what does that mean? Am I sick some stupid shit like that?" I said. Neil then started laughing. "Neil, What the fuck is so damn funny? I'm asking you for help here!" I said "Well, Max I hate to break it too you ,wait no I don't I really don't, but I think you might have feelings for Nikki." Neil said "What! Well what the hell do I do with them! I've never liked someone before!" I said panicking "Well first you gotta figure out if she likes you too." Neil said. "Well, How do I do that?!" I said. "I don't know , Max that's all up to you. Now, we gotta head back because I have to talk to Nikki and I believe David wants you to help with the s'mores. "Ugh, fine. But keep this conversation between us." I said.  Then we walked back and I sat down to help with s'mores. 

Neil's POV

Well that was interesting. I guess it's time to go talk to Nikki. I walked up to Nikki. "Nikki are you ready to talk now?" I said. "Yeah but it needs to be in private." Nikki said. "Alright, let's go. I know a place where we can talk." I said. I then lead Nikki to the same place Max and I had just talked. "So, what's up Nikki?" I asked her. "Ok, well something been bothering me ever since I went on a small mini hike adventure with Max. I'll tell you what happened but you have to promise not to tell anyone." She said.  This sounds familiar..."I promise, now what happened?" I asked. "Well when we were walking we stopped at a lake and decided to take a break and sit at a tree, as we were sitting Max was staring at the lake obviously thinking about something-" This is definitely starting to sound a lot like what Max said. "Then I started at him and the lake seemed to be shining and reflecting in his eyes, and then all the sudden my heart started beating fast and my stomach felt all weird and when it was time to leave he touched my hand and my face felt hot. Am I having stomach pains or am I sick or something?" Oh My gosh they both like each other! I'm gonna need to start matchmaking pretty soon.

Nikki's POV

"Nikki, I think you might have feelings for Max." Neil said to me. "Well, is there something I should do about it?" I said. "Well you could figure out if he likes you." He said. "How do I do that?" I said worried. "Hmm. Well, how about tonight after the campfire? You can come over  to Max and I's tent and we'll play Never Have I ever,  20 questions or something like that, and then Truth or Dare. Then you can sleep in our tent for the night. Max should be okay with it." Neil said. " That sounds great, but nothing too revealing okay. Stuff like do you like someone here at camp not who do you like okay?" I said "Ok, Deal. Now let's head back, before everyone eats the s'mores." Neil said. 

Time Skip

No One's POV

"Ok, campers! It's time to retire to you tents! Tomorrow's another day!" David said. All of the Campers started heading back to their tents as David and Gwen stay behind to put out the bonfire then head to bed. "Oh, Max by the way! Nikki's gonna stay in our tent tonight!" Neil says to Max. "What?!" Max says worried "Is that okay with you Max?" Nikki says. "Yeah it's fine I'm just a little surprised." He says. "Well, Okay! I'll go get my sleeping bag and a pillow and change into my pajamas and I'll be right over!" Nikki says "Ok see you in a bit!" Neil says. Neil and Max head into their tent. "Come on Max! It's won't be that bad! It's just one night!" Neil says. "Easy for you to say you don't think you feelings for her." Max "True but it'll still be fun!" Neil says

Time Skip

"Guys! It's me!" Nikki says standing outside Max and Neil's tent. "Come on in!"Neil says. Nikki walks in and sits on Neil's Bed. "So what are we gonna do first?" She asks. "Sleepover games of course! Let the fun begin!" Neil says

1530 words! Wow that's pretty good! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Sorry it took me so long to post this but I'll try to post Chapters more often! Also I'm planning to make this story long so yeah you can look forward to that! Anyways Thanks you so much for the 44 Reads! I'm already starting the write the 3rd chapter so that'll be up pretty soon!

PS. I just wanted to clarify that Max and Nikki think they might like the other person. They aren't 100 percent sure yet. I made it this way because I intend to make this a pretty long story.  

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