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I PICKED UP THE ancient tape with curious eyes. A cassette tape. It had been years since one of these had been used. I wondered what songs were on it, what memories it held. Attached to it was a small letter.

Sophie, for her eyes only.

With my interest peaked I opened the letter pondering who Sophie was.

Sophie, you probably don't know me well but I sit three seats behind you in History. I noticed you the instant you sat down with your headphones on. Completely immersed in the music unaware of how blissful you looked. You were swaying slightly to it, eyes closed, mouthing the lyrics softly. I like you there I said it. Well not really but you get what I mean. I'm rambling here but yes I like you. This is a song that reminded me of that first time I saw you properly. The Beatles -I Wanna Hold Your Hand.


My eyes scanned over the words, the paper was crinkled and the ink slightly faded but still readable. I felt my heart swell for Chris. He must have really liked Sophie to make her a mixtape. Grabbing my iPod I played the song. I always loved The Beatles, they just had a way of making their lyrics so relatable and meaningful.

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something

I couldn't help but sing along. The lyrics creating a story of their own and me a simple viewer of the start of young love.

I wanna hold your hand

Remembering where I was I could feel a sneeze bubbling up inside of my nose ready to escape. I looked around my uncle's basement, cob webs lined the walls and the dust particles were evident in the light that streamed from the window. I was looking for my uncle's old record player and I'd hoped to find some of his old records maybe a bit of The Smiths or The Doors. The cassette tape and letter was just good ol' luck. I wonder if there are any more, if Sophie ever wrote back to Chris. If she ever listened to the song and fell in love with it the way Chris had.

Shaking my head of my thoughts I turned my attention back to locating the hiding record player. Once my eyes zeroed in on it in the corner of the basement I made my way over to it not really caring about the spiders and dust that surrounded me in that moment. A smile made its way on to my face as looked upon the dusty record player. Next to it was a box filled with old records and that just made my smile widen. I felt as if I had just discovered a hidden treasure. Rifling through the records I found records from bands like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. But something else caught my eye.

It was slightly smaller box next to the record player. It was filled with cassette tapes and discarded notes.

They must be the letters that Chris and possibly Sophie wrote. Without thinking it through I started rummaging through the box of memories.

Chris, for his eyes only. Sophie for her. Chris for him. For my dearest Sophie. Chris, my darling.

There were numerous letters and cassette tapes. She wrote back. Feelings of happiness and undoubtable joy for Chris erupted in me. I wanted to find out more about their relationship, whether they fell in love and finally met properly. What songs they picked to express emotions that they couldn't convey themselves.

"Joanna are you finished down there?" My mother's voice called out to me shaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah I found the record player and some other things as well." I replied my voice carrying upstairs and echoing slightly.

Picking up the record player and the records I made my way upstairs. I promised myself to return for those tapes and find out more about Sophie and Chris.


I had set up the record player in my room and placed the records strategically so I could see the wonderful artwork on the front. Sighing happily I glanced around my room seeing the plethora of posters of bands and artists plastered on my walls. I turned towards the box of cassette tapes on my desk. Excitement coursing through my veins as I looked at the tapes and letters, anticipation building inside me.

My hands began searching for the letter that would be from Sophie in reply to Chris's first one with the tape attached. Once my hands found it I eagerly began to open the letter but stopped myself. I wanted to listen to the song alongside it and really get an idea of how Chris would have felt reading the words over the first time and hearing the lyrics that Sophie picked out especially for his ears.

I delved around the box in hopes to find a cassette player but with no such luck I reluctantly placed the letter from Sophie back into the box.

"Mum do you by any chance have a cassette player?" I called out in the off chance that she might. The likelihood being she got rid of hers the moment that cassette tapes became obsolete.

"Sorry I don't, but Joanna why on earth do you want a cassette player?" My mum questioned curiosity lacing her tone as she entered my room.

"I found these old tapes and letters in Uncle Robert's basement and I wanted to listen to them the songs on them." I explained to my mum gesturing at the box on my desk.

"Well maybe he has one or if not you could always check in the local charity shops or record stores, they may have one." My mother suggested her eyes scanning over the tapes.

Nodding I decided to go to visit my uncle at some point his week and ask him about the cassette player to see if he did indeed have one still and thought about what other stores I could check out. But for tonight I resigned myself to listening to one of the records I had liberated from the basement. Picking out one of the Led Zeppelin records I placed it on the turntable. As the needle began its journey around the record I reclined back on my bed immersing myself in the sound of Stairway To Heaven. Robert Plant's voice reverberating in my room.

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven.


A/N: first part of the story I do like a bit of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin hope you check them both out if you like the songs.

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