Chapter 3

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Anna is now 4 months pregnant and time went by very fast, Elsa's due anytime now. And Elsa's very excited to have her twins anytime now. It was after Hans and Elsa got married.

Anna woke up one morning feeling weird when she sees her stomach started to get swollen.

"Wow, I'm getting huge. I can't wait to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl." Anna sighted as Kristoff came in the bathroom seeing Anna's stomach starting to get swollen.

"Wow Anna, your stomach huge."

"A bit yeah, I can't wait to find out what I'm having."

"I think it's a boy in there."

"Maybe a girl is in there, who knows?"

"We'll be happy about what we are having." Kristoff tolled Anna.

"You know we will, Elsa would be too."

Downstairs where Anna and Kristoff went with Elsa, Olaf and Sven outside the castle.

"Elsa, what are you doing?"

"I'm just going for a walk." Elsa replied.

"Can we come too?"

"Sure you can, Hans is getting fire wood."

"How's the baby girls?"

"They're very good, ouch my back is sore."

"Does it happen to you when you're pregnant?" Anna asked.

In the castle gardens

"Wow isn't this beautiful?"

"It sure is Elsa, I see that the guards planted new flowers here."

"Yes they did." Elsa said as she felt kicking inside of her womb.

"Elsa, what's wrong."

"The twins are kicking, Anna and Kristoff want to feel?"

"Yes please Elsa." Anna replied.

"Sure why not."

"Hello in there my new nieces, aunt Anna's having your cousin soon."

"I'm sure when you give birth, they'll have someone to play with."

"I hear their's hearts beating."

"I feel them, I'm close to finish being pregnant."

Then Olaf and Sven saw Hans bringing back from fire wood.

"Hi Hans, how's fire wood getting going?"

"Good, hi Elsa." Hans said as he kissed his wife's cheek and then felt his twins kicking.

"Ow." Anna yelped.


"Anna what's wrong?" Kristoff asked.

"Anna, are you ok?" Elsa asked.

"I'm fine, my stomach's cramping."

"Is it the baby?"

Then Anna's stomach started growling.

"My baby's hungry I think."

"Let's go eat something to eat Anna, my twins might be hungry too."Elsa replied as she rubbed her stomach as it started growling too.

"I'll pick you girls up a pizza, your babies."

"Thanks Kristoff." Anna replied.

"Yes thanks allot."

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