Chapter 2

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Family Bonds: I'm With You

"I'm not a pretty princess, and I'm aware of that, so I like music that is really intense, really bold, and characters that in a way almost have a dark side and are kind of evil because, for me, that's when I feel my strongest and fiercest, when I'm not necessarily the good girl."
- Ashley Wagner -

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Telepathic/Electronic Communication
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves, Abilities, or Quirks

~ Back To The Story! ~

In the red light district, Izumi wandered around until she found a small bar lit by neon red lights called Midnight Rose. "This must be it," Izumi said quietly as she felt someone's gaze on her. 'Still haven't left yet?'

Without paying any more thought to the gaze, she entered the bar which had only a small scent of alcohol, much to Izumi's surprise. But she walked up to the counter where a person made of mist was cleaning a cup.

"What can I do for you miss?" He asked as he set down the cup and Izumi noticed that he had yellow eyes floating in the mist along with a huge metal collar as well.

"Hisashi told me to meet him here." She replied meekly as she pulled out the note from her pocket and unfolded it before giving it to the man. "Is he here?"

"Hmm, give me a moment." He said before he left the counter and went through another door. When he came back he stood in front of the door before calling out to Izumi. "Over here, it's more private in the backroom."

'Please don't be a trap so I'll be raped,' Izumi repeated in her head as she followed the man. But when she got into the backroom, she saw her father sitting at a table with a red-eyed teenage boy across from him.

The boy had wavy, unkempt, light blue hair and some scratch marks on his neck, but other than that he was just another teenage boy with a scrawny body that wore all black clothes. "Is this the brat?"

"I'm not a brat! You sleep deprived emo!" Izumi yelled back as the guy stared at her before breaking out into laughter.

"Izumi, sit down and grab a hand." Ordered Hisashi as he motioned to the seat to the right of his. "Ever played Blackjack? *Izumi nods* Then we'll play while we discuss a bit."

"What did you want to discuss?" Izumi asked as she took a card and stood her cards.

"Izumi, what you know about heroes and villains aren't so black and white, greyer than anything else. Being a hero is just another job, but fame and money often come with it. Being a villain ensues high risk and high reward days, but they just want to survive in this biased world. After all, not all villains are bad."

"Tou-san what do you mean?" She asked as she showed her cards, an Ace and a Jack or a perfect 21. "Yatta!"

"Most villains want to spread their ideal the best way they know how. All of them want to survive another day, and some even need to support their family." He replied as he dealt two more cards to everyone. "Heroes are greedy, they want to have all the money and fame they can get their hands on. Very few of them just help to help."

"What does this have to do with us?" The blue-haired guy said as he was dealt another card being standing his cards.

"Well, Izumi, I want you to decide first. Will you follow the path of a hero or become a villain?" He said as Izumi slammed down on the table.

"Tou-san! What do villains have to do with us!?" She yelled as Hisashi sighed.

"Izumi, Shigaraki *points to blue-haired man*, Kurogiri *points to mist man*, and I *points to self* are all villains." He answered as Izumi's little world seemed to break as she ran out of the bar and out of the red light district. "*sigh* What am I going to do with her?"

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