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Jimin sadly walked up the steps to the mini restaurant Taehyung told him to meet him at.

He was very upset and broken, how can Taehyung hold hands and cheat with jungkook...

After all jimin has done for tae, he treats him like this.

He wants to literally punch jungkook in the face everytime he sees him , but he knows he can't.

Jimin soon spotted Taehyung sitting in a booth by himself .

Slowly jimin walked over and sat down causing the boy to look up and smile at jimin , but then frowned looking at his straight face.


"No Taehyung how could you?? I love you so much. You were my baby."

"Listen-." (Listen boy)

"No, I'm hurt . Tae you really hurt me." Jimins starts to tear up

"Noooooo don't cry." Tae said

"Listen, me and jungkook are just best friends, that's it. He was having a bad day and I wanted to cheer him up." Taehyung spilled out.

Jimin wiped his tears off his chubby cheeks.

"Taehyung don't lie to me."

"Why would i lie , I love you."

"Not you don't!."

Taehyung sat there frozen at his tone in voice and gulped.

Jimin looked around and noticed everyone staring so he got up and ran out.

Before Tae could stop him he gone and out the door.


Also..... 😍😍😍😍


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