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"Um.. so about that pin..." Masato said, curious about Ai's pin

"Oh this, Saki made it, whenever there's an emergency... any emergency, I only need to open it wide" Ai said

"Hey, why are you all out here?" Ringo asked

"Starish? You came early" Ryuga said

"Saki got chest pains and fainted so we had to call some nurse to the room" Reiji explained

"What?! Again? She got chest pains earlier" Ringo said

"Huh? Really?" Camus asked

"Yeah. She was thinking of suprising you by going in your practice room, but her excitement got to her so she started having chest pains" Ryuga explained

"Is she alright?" Ringo asked

"Yes." The nurses came out

One of them continued "she just fainted after receiving chest pains, no need to worry, she's awake now, oh and she needs her medicine in 2 hours, please remind her"

The nurses then went out, and back to their position where they wait for an emergency

"Saki" Ringo said

She looked up and saw all of them, she was told to lie down her bed for a few minutes

"Oh, sorry for the trouble, I didn't mean to freak out" Saki said

"No no, I'm sorry, please forgive me for taking your shades" Ren said

"And forgive me for commenting about it" Syo said

"It's fine really, no need to blame yourselves, I was also at fault for not saying I'm sick" Saki said then she turned to Haruka "Nice to meet you Nanami, I'm guessing now that you're back, I'll be doing my original job now"

"Oh- um yes, nice to meet you too, I heard the song you made, it was lovely!" Haruka said

"Thanks, it's the first song I made" Saki said

"Oh amazing!" Haruka said in awe

Saki suddenly held her chest "...ahh... Nanami.. don't get too happy... you're making me excited..."

"S-sorry!" Nanami bowed

"It's.. fine..." Saki said

"But hey, can we fire Nanami?" Ranmaru asked

"Huh? Why? Haruka's songs are great" Cecil said

"She's not a problem, but we grew fond of Saki's songs, and Saki herself" Camus said

" ... thanks.. but for now... I'm not allowed to do anything fun...or stressfull.. Nanami is still going to be your composer for now.. ask father if I can be your permanent" Saki said

"Eh? We can't just decide?" Reiji asked pouting a bit

"Of course not, we need Shining's approval first" Ai said

"Aw geez, more trouble!" Reiji pouted and sat down at Saki's bed

Saki chuckled, she sat down and kissed his cheek "No worries, father's not hard to talk about in things like that"

The others blush or was wide eyed when she kissed Reiji's cheek, it was totally not a normal occurance for them, but for Quartet night, that's incredibly normal

"Hehe" Reiji giggled as Saki hugged his neck by the back "Saki-chan~ 6ou should just tell him"

"No can do, Father is in Italy right now, I don't want to get excited since I like it there, I might get another chest pain"

"Eh? Italy? Then how are we going to talk to him now?" Ranmaru asked

"After he does bussiness at Italy, he'll go to America tomorrow, then back to Japan in by next day, but it'll take another day to talk to him since he has meeting with 3 companies in the day after" Saki explained

"Wow... his schedule sure is packed" Camus commented

"He may not look like it, but he's serious about his work, and makes sure to give everyone a chance to see his trademark extravangant entrances"

"His entrance could make people have a heart attack if you're not used to it' Ai said

'To be honest... it almost happened once.. so now he does a background check on the people to make sure no one gets send to the hospital"

"Oh um, S-saki.. we're going to eat lunch, want to eat with us?" Haruka asked

"Thanks but I'll pa-" Saki was cut off

"No you aren't" Quartet night and Ryuga said

"Did you forget? The doctors told you to eat" Camus said


"And take your medicines" Ryuga added

".....hmm.." Saki pouted "I'll drink my medicine, but I'm not hungry~"

"You'll still eat" Ai said

"A balanced meal" Ranmaru added

Saki brought her cheek next to Reiji, hoping to convince him "Help me~ Reiji"

"E-eh....um.." Reiji blushed and looked at the others but saw them having a dissaproving look "*sigh* Since Saki's not used to eating a lot, she'll be eating only a portion she can finish"

They sighed and finally nodded

"Yey! Thanks Reiji!" Saki kissed both Reiji's cheek and his forehead

"...Saki.." Reiji blushed

Starish and Haruka stared at them with a questioning look, there's a no love rule right?

Saki: Quartet Night's ComposerWhere stories live. Discover now