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The heavy music was blasting through Murphy's old stereo, as I nodded my head and took out another kidney from the dead rouges body. Pack warriors do their job well, smash the rogues, bite out their heads and showoff manliness, but what happens to the foreign bodies that are left bloody and heavily massacred? Firstly these not-so-chivalrous men never bring in the bodies, and secondly, they injure all the organs. One would think the hospital would have an unlimited amount of transplant organs remaining after all the over the top battles, but no, the pathetic assholes waste their time by scratching dead bodies.

"It's late you should head home G ." Dr Murphy said entering the room. " My wife is always pissed, she's gonna blow her cerebrum out if she finds out you are staying late again, she has already created conspiracy about you"

"Eww Doc, tell your wife to take some chill pills and not to be possessive over someone as old you!" I joked.

"I bet my wife's gonna be staking claims in my graveyard too, the poor thing gets furious when she smells all these wolves on me." he shrugs, checking the rogue's body.

"Wow doc didn't know you were into necrophilia, you must get good access over here"

"Oh shush with all the- eureka! our third kidney of the month out of 100 rogues." he exclaimed, examining the kidney, "and unharmed!"

"Tell me about it, reckon we tell the alpha to lower the brutal killings?"

"Been there, done that. He told me to stuff my face in my books and leave the fighting schemes to him"

"ouch" I replied as I began cleaning and storing the kidney away. 

No matter what form they were in, the organs remained the same. Changing shapes was still a huge mystery to me, it just never made sense. How can magic change your body form, there had to be some science behind it. People always told me to stop meddling into things of magic, but I never paid attention to it. Everything had logic, everything could be explained by science, shape-shifting could be explained by science. My passion for science leads me to train as a pack doctor. I didn't do it to heal wolves, I did it to satiate my hunger for knowledge.

"Any news from the royals?" I asked.

"Sorry honey, I am sure it'll be here soon. They would make a mistake not taking you in." he patted my back and began cleaning up.

"A part of me wants to go, and the other part of me wants to stay back and take care of mom. Does that make me crazy?"

"Yes, yes it does. Gaia, its a once in a lifetime opportunity! to train under Dr Michael! You going there, its gonna save this pack. You are going to be our future Doctor, your mom would be fine, she would be proud, heck she wants this even more than you do!"

Every 5 years medical trainee's are chosen by the council, to study further under the care of the best werewolf doctor in the entire kingdom. Getting accepted by the council was a very rare thing. 5 trainees out of a 1000 packs, the chances of being picked were zero to none.

I cleaned up all remaining blood off me, changed out of the blood-stained scrubs and left the building to stand outside Murphy's car, as he finished closing up the lab. His old rickety car was just another sign this pack was falling apart. It was a well-kept secret, but anyone with eyes could see that Blue Moon pack was bankrupt. The houses were crumbling and falling apart, due to previous attacks from the rogues. Death by starvation was more than death by rogues in this pack. The pack members weren't well paid, causing half the pack to be empty. We had 300 wolves last year, the numbers decreased to 100. It was disappointing to see the place where you grew up to break down. The lands weren't fertile anymore and as more of pack began crumbling down the more the rogue attacks increased.

"Come on let's go before terror strikes again" Murphy whispered to me, referring this evenings event of the rogue attack. "Are you going to Jamie's birthday bash tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, I must." I sighed getting in the car. "I still don't understand how they think throwing a party in these circumstances is a good thing. I mean where even are they getting the money from?"

Murphy only shook his head and started the car. We went by a little distance when his soft voice reached my ear  "So Dora and I are thinking about moving to the Silver Blood pack"

"WHAT?" I exclaimed jumping out of my seat.

" Its just Sarah is going to give birth there soon and this place isn't the safest for us oldies," he said "anyways we arent sure about it yet, the papers need to be arranged and all. Enough about us tell me about that boy you're dating."

"oh, Skye and I are doing great and don't for a second think I didn't notice your sharp change of subject. If you leave who's going to take care of the pack?

"They'll find someone, if they can spend money on a party for the brat of an alpha in line, they can afford a doctor too. That beta's boy you're dating is a real trouble, I don't understand why you couldn't wait for your mate." He fumed.

"Having a boyfriend doesn't mean anything. I am not in love with him, and I can end it in a minute. No feelings attached, but a mate on the other hand is just too much trouble."

"That makes no sense whatsoever, be safe," he said as he stopped in front of my small hut-like house. 

"We're not done talking about you leaving by the way. see you tomorrow, kiss Dora goodnight from me." I got out of his car and waved him off as he pulled out of my driveway.

I turned around and stared at my home. The blue paint chipped off the walls of the house, and it had a bright red roof that looked almost black due to dust and storm over the years. At the bottom of the wall were hand-painted flowers and leaves, because mom and I could never grow plants so this was the best we could have. The front lawn was covered in overgrown weeds and dying plants, and it looked like the garbage man got fired as our trashcan was overflowing with the stray cats favourite food.

I slipped the key into the cracked white door and went inside. The sweet smell of cinnamon rolls filled the house and I immediately knew where my mother was. I took off my shoes and walked up the stairs to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Come in" my mothers' musical voice called out. There she was in the bathtub, naked soaked in a bubble bath with an outdated magazine in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. My mother's legendary overused cinnamon-scented candle was lit in the corner of the basin giving out its sweet aroma around the house.

"How was work ?" she asked without removing her eyes from her old magazine.

" Well we finally managed to store one organ that was unscathed" I slid down the wall onto the cold tile of the bathroom floor.

"and the letter?"

"Not yet" I  frowned.

" Dinner is in the fridge " and she went back to sipping her wine. Mother was disappointed. As usual.

I trudged downstairs and into the kitchen hoping she cooked something edible. However, all the fridge had was last nights leftovers that looked vile. I took out eggs and began making scrambled eggs with toast. Nothing better than breakfast for dinner.

I cleaned up everything and went to my bed, exhaustion taking over my body as I fell onto my bed thinking about a million things that happened today, my last thought before blacking out was not doing my night-time routine.

Should the chapters be longer? Also dear lord please comment and figure out my mistakes.

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