Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV
"W-what?" I stutter. I'm shocked by her tone of voice, I wasn't expecting this. I felt my heart clench. I bite my lip harder to suppress the tears, but it's not working.Tears stream down my face and with a shaky breath, I yell "I'm sorry that I can't hold myself back around you!" I cry and reach for the door
"well then maybe you should just try harder. god knows i've been doing it ever since you slept with Rebecca!" i say before she reaches the door.
i walk up the stairs and slam the door as i slowly sink down on the floor, resting my head on the back of my door. it doesn't take long before i hear a door slam shut down stairs as the tears that were threatening to fall from earlier now couldn't be stopped as they pour down my cheeks like the rain from outside.
I run to my car, not caring if I get drenched or slip. It was on the other side of the street. As I reach my car, I realize that I forgot to grab my keys before I stormed out. I turn my back to the car and fall down. I cradle my head in my knees and sob.
as i walk down to grab a bottle of alcohol which i sure needed, i spot her keys on the kitchen table. maybe she's still out there? maybe she walked home because she didn't want to face me to grab her keys. i grab the keys anyways as i walk out and i see her sobbing in front of her car door. i never meant to hurt her..she hurt me first but, that doesn't mean i ever stopped loving her. i walk towards her, not looking both ways. my only attention towards her. right as her brown orbs meet mine
i see car lights coming towards me and honk, before everything goes black
I scream as I see her body go lifeless. I rise to my feet and run to grab her. The car comes to a halt after hitting her. The driver runs out, it's an attractive man in his mid-twenties. He's built like a god. But I don't pay attention to him, i pay attention to her. I cradle her in my arms and sob. The man grabs my arm somehow I end up in the car.
i wake up. i hear machine beeps and nurses and doctors quietly talking around me. as i try to sit up, i feel a sharp pain on my rib cage as i wince from the pain.
"you're awake" the male doctor says right before ushering all the other doctors and nurses out of the room. he's attractive, young doctor. he gives a small smile before grabbing a clip board and a piece of paper and scribbling things down.
"how did i get here?" i ask as i slowly sit up
"you were in a car accident love. fractured your..." the rest is blank. i don't pay attention to whatever he has to say. i blank out as i remember. me and her had a fight, she stormed out, i walked and the last thing i saw was her. where is she? why hasn't she visited.
"anyways, with enough rest and i'll get you on a couple of painkillers. perhaps you'll be set to leave the hospital as soon as you start feeling better." he says. giving me another smile
"aren't you too young to be a doctor?" i ask raising an eyebrow as he laughs
"i get that a lot. but what the real question is what are you doing in the middle of a slippery street in the middle of the night while it's pouring down rain?" he says with a sly smirk on his face.
what do i tell him? i got into a fight with the girl i love that cheated on me with my best friend?
"i don't know. i was drunk." i said trying my best to end the conversation
I flutter my eyes open as I feel my thigh getting tapped on. I lift my head up, it was laying on a strangers shoulder.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I look at his shoulder and see a wet spot. I was drooling. I pull my long sleeve shirt of my hand and try to rub it off. It doesn't make a difference.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's alright." A deep voice chuckles. I look up at his face, it's the guy who took me to the hospital.
"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed" I blush. He chuckles again. It was so deep and sexy
I start analyzing his face. He was very attractive, he had black hair that stood perfectly on his head and round glasses. He had stubble on his face, and beautiful brown eyes. His cheekbones and jaw were chiseled to perfection. I look at his eyes again, he had intense bags under them. He was exhausted.
"Enjoying the view?" He says light heartedly. I snap out of it and blush more.
"Oh my god, I'm so out of it." I suddenly remember where I am and why I'm here. Her. A million thoughts run throughMy head as I look around the room.
"Where is she?" I yell. I jump up and start pacing around the waiting room. People were staring at me, but I didn't care. I needed to know if she was okay.
"Hey!" The deep voice says. He shoots up and grabs my hands and looks me in the eye.
"There's no need to panic(hehe)" he whispers, looking me very intensely in the eyes.
"The nurse came out and told me she woke up. I'll walk you to her room. Please don't freak out"
I stand dumbfounded. He lets go of one Of my hands and leads me to a room with the blinds open. It was still dark out, her room was very dim. I look through the window and see her, glowing while talking to a very attractive doctor. She only glowed like that when we first started dating. I feel tears rush to my eyes and run into the deep voiced mans arms. I sob and he holds me.
i laugh as he finishes his story of how his first date ended horribly cause it ended up being the sister of his ex girlfriend.he was strangely hella attractive for a doctor and had a cute personality. my bisexual side sure has its perks. fuck..i can't forget about her though.
"you okay?" he asks as he catches me dozing off
"yeah uh..just got into a fight with..someone." i say not wanting to talk about her anymore
"well whoever this guy may be, he's probably a dick." he says smirking
i give a genuine chuckle as i shake my head.
"she." i say smiling correcting him.
"oh! fuck sorry i didn't know you swung that way shit im so sorry." he says acting flustered. it was cute.
"no haha it's fine. and i swing both ways." i send him a flirty smile. if she was going to cheat on me with my best friend Rebecca, i was going to cheat on her. two can play this game
The man grabs my shoulders and pulls me back. It wasn't aggressive, but it was hard enough to make me stumble a bit. He looks me in the eye.
"I don't know anything about you or your story or her.. but I know you're in pain. Please go in there and talk to her" he pleads.
I whimper and whisper "she's not happy with me... I'm not g-good enough for he-her." Another tear runs down my face. He cups one side of my face and wipes the tear away with his thumb. "Do you want me to come with you?" I thinkFor a moment. I barely met this man, but I had so much trust in him. He felt safe. I nod my hand. He can tell I'm not strong enough to go in first. He knocks on the door then enters with my hiding behind his back.
i turn my head as i see the door open. a man i've never met before comes in, but walking hand in hand with..Chloe?
"what are you doing here? and who is he?" i ask giving both of them a dirty look
"should i, give you guys some alone time?" the doctor that i never got his name.
"yes please dr.-"
"Hemmings. but uh gorgeous patients like you can call me luke." he says giving me a wink and a smile as he walks out the door.
"again, what the hell?" i say as i look at both of them
My anxiety turned into rage as this doctor was clearly flirting with her. "What the fuck do you mean? You're flirting with your goddamn doctor in front of me and you have the fucking nerve to ask me what am I doing?" I yell. My face is getting red and I'm clenching the mans hand harder with every curse.
"oh please get over yourself. i wasn't flirting with him i was being nice." i fired back with a hint of a lie. he was really cute but, i wasn't flirting with him. right?
"besides even i was, you have no right in getting angry. you cheated on me last i recall. now why don't you and whoever the hell this guy get the fuck out of my hospital room. you're the one who got me in this mess." i say giving her a glare before looking away. i do not want to do this with her right now. especially not whileim in a hospital bed and her with a man who i still had no idea who he was.
i turn my glance back at them.
"who the fuck are you anyways?" i say looking at the tall man who still has his hands intertwined with hers.
The man looks startled as she asks that question. "My name is Brendon." He doesn't say much and doesn't let go of my hand. "Really? You cheated on me first! And you lied about being pregnant! And I'm in the wrong? You're never there for me. You're always talking to jasmine about how much you can't fucking stand being with me and how much you love her. Fucking suck my dick, you got yourself into this position." I burst. After it comes out, I regret it immediately. My fiancé was laying in a hospital bed, almost dead in front of me. "Oh my god, babe, I didn't mean it . I'm so sorry"
"jasmine meant nothing to me. i was drunk and high whenever i was with her." i say. i can't deal with this shit anymore. not with jasmine not with Chloe. i needed a new beginning. perhaps getting ran over by a car was my new beginning.
"in fact, you know what Chloe i can't do this. not with you, not with her, not anymore." i say looking down. i felt a bit uncomfortable with Brendon in the room.
"i'll just give you guys some privacy." he says gently letting go of her hand and kissing her on the head before walking out.
"what are you saying?" she says.
"im saying..maybe we should just call off the engagement" i say. my eyes not daring to look at hers.
I jump a bit and blush. I was surprised with that gesture. i snap back to reality. Seeing her in this position hurt me so much. She was my first everything. My first love, my first kiss, my first time.. we bought our condo together. I loved her so much, but I couldn't deal with the lies. She claimed that she only cheated on me once with jasmine, but I know it wasn't one time. I was so hurt.
"I... I don't know what to say." I sniffle. I think about what she says more and more."I don't want to hurt you anymore." I'm now crying. I always envisioned myself with her. We were a month away from the wedding.
"let's just face it love we were never going to make it. and it's not like i didn't hurt you either. we were never gonna last." i say.
"i would've kept fighting for you." she says crying while coming closer to me and trying to grab my hand but i quickly pull away.
"and i've fought for you and with you for months on end Chloe!" i scream in her face. all i felt towards her was anger at this point.
"i love you. no scratch that. i loved you." i say wiping a single tear going down my face
"but i can't keep doing this. the cheating, the lying, the countless amount of times you've made me sleep on the couch or some motel because you kept blaming me for things i didn't even do!" i say.
"Chloe, you were my everything. we shared some incredible memories but..memories don't last forever. and neither can we."
"Angelina, we aren't ending like this. You are not going to put the blame on me. You are not running away like you always do when a problem arises." I steam. "Don't act all perfect, you've made me go back to my fathers house countless times because of our fights. You know I fucking hate him, but I couldn't afford to stay at a motel. And you fucking knew that." Hot tears are running down my face.
"The amount of times that I cried because I felt like I was never good enough for you was too much.""We were going strong, or so i thought. You cheated on jasmine out of nowhere. No matter the amount of alcohol or weed you put into your fucking body does not dismiss the fact that you cheated on me and you broke me."
i scoff.
"your insecurities of not being good enough does not fall on me Chloe." i give her a dirty look as her expression also matches mine.
"you know for the last couple months we have not had one happy moment with each other. it was either fighting, sex, or drinking. i can't even remember the last time you've made me genuinely smile!" i yell
"but no you're right. i didn't make you happy either. which is why im calling whatever this is between us off." i say. i yank my engagement ring off and throw it at her as she catches it.
"we are done."
I'm not letting her get the last word in. I throw her ring onto the ground and crush the diamond into the floor with my boot.
"If you were good to me, you would've paid attention to my insecurities, as I do to yours. My self doubt and anxiety is NOT something you get to through at me. I can't fucking control it!" I scream. I grab my ring and twist it off and throw it at her lap. At that moment, her moments truly registered with me. She broke up with me. My love had broken up with me. My face goes blank and I stare at the ring on her lap. My hands start to unfold and I slowly sink to the floor. I break contact with her lap to look at the diamond. It was broken. Like our love. I pick up the band and cry into my hands.
i look at the crushed diamond on in her hands. on cue, dr. Hemmings walks in
"Angelina we're gonna need to run some tests on-" he looks at Chloe crying and back at me
"I-I'm sorry i came in at the wrong time." he says as he quickly tries to walk out the door
"no. you're fine. stay..luke." i say as i look at him and give him a small smile as he bites his lip ring and smiles as he looks at me. i turn my gaze back at Chloe
"i think it's time you go. your visit was not wanted nor needed."
I lift my head up at her.
"Are- are you fucking kidding me?" I rub my nose from snot.
"I'm your fiancé, and because some hot doctor comes in, you act like your tough shit and that I'm a piece of trash? We were together for eight FUCKING years, angelina. You threw that down the fucking drain when you cheated on me with my best friend. You don't get to act like the tough person. You fucking bitch."
I get up and turn to the doctor. "I'm sorry for causing a scene." I rush past him and close the
Door. It wasn't forceful enough to wake neighboring patients. I turn and see Brendon, awaken by the door and stands up from leaning. He sees me and instantly wraps me in his arms. I weep and keep my hands closed on his chest, holding her engagement band.

i scoff and look at the window not wanting to face luke. as i try to hide my tears of anger.
"hey, hey, it's okay. you made mistakes we all did." he comes up to me and takes a sit near the empty spot on the hospital bed as he grabs my hand and rub his thumb against my knuckles.
"she hurt me too..she didn't want to admit it in front of you but trust me she fucked me up a lot more than i did to her." i say. tears threaten to spill out of my eyes but i quickly blink them away."i bet she did Angelina. by the way she was yelling at you i bet she did.." he gives me a sympathetic look.
"so um, when am i set to leave?" i ask trying to change the subject.
"in perhaps 4-5 days. just need to make sure when you do get home you take about 2 weeks off from wherever you work. don't get up too much and make sure to change your bandages every 5-6 hours when you do get home." he says still holding onto my hand
"and perhaps..when you do get out of this smelly hospital." he says smiling as he smirks and i give him a confused look
"maybe...i can take you out on a date. maybe i can hear the full story then? and you can hear more stories about more shitty first dates?" he says biting his lips as his eyes glisten
i laugh.
"i'd love that"
Brendon digs his head into my shoulder. I try to form a sentence, but they come out as sobs. Brendon holds me tighter and shushes me.
After a couple of minutes, I wind down and step back, looking him in the eye. "I-I want to g-g-go home." I whimper. He nods and leads me out the door. He stops by the nurses desk and speaks quietly with her about something. He then grabs my hand again and looks me in the eye. "I'm so sorry that this happened." His eyes truly show sorrow and he kisses me on the Forehead. I barely met him but everything he did felt right. I nodded and he lead me to his car, where he opened up the door for me and drove me to my condo.
As we pull in, I ask him quietly to wait in the car. He was a little confused but he obliged. Angelina left the door unlocked, so I had no problem getting in. I grab a suitcase and some bags from a hall cabinet and try to stuff my clothes and toiletries in them.
Thirty minutes pass and I hear the door open.
Brendon walks into my room as I'm holding a picture frame of Angelina and I. I'm not crying nor angry. I feel... blank. I put it back on the table and leave the ring on top. "Are you ready?" he assumes he's taking me back to his place. I nod and grab my bags. He grabs a few for me. We walk down the stairs, and I say goodbye to the condo.

Fanfic me and my friend made as a joke Where stories live. Discover now