Chapter 3

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The next morning, Angelina gets the call to do a victim telling and walks into the office.
I'm sitting in the chair, closest to the door. I see her and look down, tears start streaming down my face. The amount that I cried this past week could help save a COUNTRY from a drought. When I was nervous, I used to play with the ring in my finger.. now I just ruby fingernails against each other.
She walks up to the desk and checks in, then sits down on a chair, not noticing me yet.'s
i look up and my eyes meet Chloe. she looks like shes been crying. i've always hated seeing her cry. especially if i was the reason, but i Be strong and look the other. knowing her heart does not belong to me anymore. her heart belongs to the man who almost ended my life. and my heart belongs to the man who saved my life...
on cue, she walks over and sits next to the chair next to me
"Angelina..i need you to understand that Brendon, he didn't just hit you and run off. he was the one who drove both of us to hospital you have to know that." she says putting her hand on my hands. i look down and yank my hand away like i did the last time she put her hand on mine at the hospital
"you sure? what if he just lied to you to get you to stay? do you even remember anything the night he supposedly picked you up? did he even pick me up as well?!" i say trying to lower my voice but it isn't working.
"I-i don't remember much but he wouldn't lie to me. he wouldn't..." Chloe says looking down at the ground.
"i appreciate you trying to stick up for your boyfriend but let the police decide this Chloe. don't let your love from him get in the way of the fucking law."
I clear my throat and look at her. "I remember him grabbing my arm and leading me to the car with you in my hands. I woke up besides him in the hospital. There's no way possible that if he didn't drive us, he would be sitting next to me and you would be admitted." I reason.
"If a random person or police man came, brendon wouldn't be next to me in the hospital. And after our break up, he drove me to his house in his car. His car or himself wasn't detained." I say.
"It was an accident. Please l Listen to me." I plead. I look her in the eye.
"Brendon's a kind person, he wouldn't have hit you on purpose. He didn't even know us. It was dark and rainy, and you weren't using our cross walk. He was just riding down the street. And an accident happened." More tears roll down my face.
"Please, listen to me."
"Chloe..i mean, i want to believe you. i really do. and maybe a small part of me kind of does but..i mean who would even file a report on him?" i say turning my full body towards her
"i don't know. they said the person that called in was a woman but that was the only information they gave me. they couldn't give me the name." Chloe says wiping away the tears.
"a woman..who could've called?" i say looking down rubbing my forehead and thinking.
Chloe looked at her and tried to think too "perhaps the person who called in could've ran you over and tried to cover their tracks." Chloe says. i nod. that would make sense since no one was around and if Brendon did drive us to the hospital who else would've known i got ran over.
"who's been holding a grudge on the two of us for the longest time then?" i ask still concentrating. as if on cue, we both look up.
"Have you talked to her recently?" I ask. I didn't want to believe it was my best friend. Though, we stopped talking after I found out about her and ang hooking up.
"No, I haven't. I haven't really talked to anyone besides you and Luke since the breakup" she sighs.
"I haven't talked to too many people, either."
We both wonder how it happened.
"Maybe Jasmine was riding down our street and suddenly got the urge to hit you? Maybe Brendon was behind her and we both blacked out from the horror..
And didn't register her driving past you?" I suggest. It sounded far fetched. Police claim that Brendon has never been pulled over and has a record of being a safe driver. But they won't look at our street security recordings.
"What do you think?" I ask
"if the police won't look at our street security recordings we have to take matters into our own hands Chloe. whoever this may be, jasmine or not, we need to know who this is." i said.
"Angelina please...i don't want Brendon in jail you have to get him out. I promise to help you if you please..he's innocent." She says grabbing onto my hand as I get up. I nod and slowly pick her hand up as I get up to do the victim calling thingy majiggy
An hour passes and Angelina walks out. I get up and grab her arms and give it a nice squeeze.
"How'd it go? Did you bring up the police tapes?"
"i did. they said they would look at them but wouldn't give us any other information. anyways i told them Brendon was the one who drove us there and i had legitimate proof. they said they'd look into it and Brendon will be free to go once they see the person in the car isn't him." i say giving her a small smile.
"oh my god. thank you thank you!" she says as she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. it was so weird having her hug me again or even being this close to me again. we haven't been like this in a while. i awkwardly hug back until i see luke walk in and i immediately push her off to go hug him
"hey princess. how did it go?" he asks rubbing my back and giving me a small peck on the lips.
"it went fine. i'll explain everything when we go home okay?" i say giving him a smile he nods and grabs my hands and walks us out. i turn around to see Chloe looking at me again. i give her a small polite smile and turn back around. i couldn't go back to her. just because we're going to be working together to get her boyfriend and me justice, doesn't mean anything. right? i don't feel anything for her anymore...
The guard comes out and I feel relieved. He basically repeats what Angelina told me. I felt relieved.
"Can I see him?" I ask.
"Sure." He leads me to back. Brendon is curled up in a ball on his bed.
"Baby?" I ask soothingly. He immediately raises his head and runs to the gate barrier.
"Chloë.. I've missed you. Did you talk to Angelina?"
I explain the day to him. He looks relieved. I try to kiss him through the gate, but the poles were to close together.
I don't focus on Angelina, only Brendon. He makes me feel safe and loved. I hate seeing him like this. He was so depressed. I felt really horrible. I just wanted to hug my baby and return the love he gives me.
the moment I come home I tell luke everything. also including the part where i was contemplating my feelings towards Chloe.
"'re only thinking that way because for the longest time that conversation was the only conversation you guys have had that wasn't an argument." he says smiling while bringing me close to him. the moment i look into his beautiful ocean blue eyes nothing around me matters but him. he only consumes my mind. i smile
"you're right. i still hate her i just, need to help her. owe her for every good thing she's done for me in the past i guess." i say. he nods and gives me a short but passionate kiss.
"besides, im not going to allow myself to be the rebound." he says in a fake sassy tone making me laugh and playfully slap his chest.
"im gonna make dinner. " he kisses my forehead and walks into his kitchen as i lay on his couch. everything will be okay soon..everything will be fine.
Three days past and the verdict is reached. The police claim that it was another person who hit ang, and Brendon was coming on the other side of the road and picked the girls up. He's released.

I've been staying at the station for almost five days. As soon as he walks out to see me, he picks me up and twirls me. I laugh and kiss him all over.
"I fucking missed you so fucking much it's not even fucking funny!" He exclaims.
"Someone's excited!" I giggle. I was so happy to see my baby. He puts me Down and leans me backwards to kiss me.
After the excitement dies down, he interlocks his fingers with mine and looks me in the eye.
"God, I just want to go home"
"We can, baby. I'll go home and make dinner."
And everything was fine... or so they thought
im laying down on Lukes bed next to luke as he sits right next to me on his bed doing some paperwork with his glasses rested on his nose. he looked so beautiful like that. then again when does he not(which is fuckin true). i get a call and its from one of the police officers at the police station.
"hello?" i pick up with a hint of concern in my voice
"Angelina. i need you to come over immediately. we found out some stuff. it wasn't just one person in the car that ran you over.." he says.
i look at luke as he drops everything and turns his body towards me hearing everything as i put it on speaker
"w-what are you talking about?" i ask stuttering
"there were 2 females in the car who ran you over Angelina i need you to come down and see this tape immediately if you recognize these 2 girls." he says
"I-I'll Be right down" i hang up and immediately call Chloe
"Hello?" Chloe picks up sounding like I just woke her up
"Somethings up. I don't have time to explain. Meet me and Luke at the police station. Now!" i say as i hang up.
It happened to be Brendon's day off. I was just about to head to a job interview and he was prepping me.
"Baby, I need to you take me to the police station. I need to call the manager of the restaurant and ask her to reschedule"
We get to the police station and rush inside. A couple of weeks have passed since we last saw each other. It is now civil between us. I hug both of you and pull back.
"What happened?" I ask.
i explain everything to both of them.
"who could both of them possibly be?" Brendon asks.
i look at Chloe and she looks at me knowing who I'm about to say.
"it can't be.." she says shaking her head not wanting to believe it
"look i don't want to believe it either but who else could possibly want to run me over?!" i say
"it could've easily been two girls drunk driving on a rainy day and ran you over and freaked out and drove away and calling police" she says
"only one way to find out. come with me girls" the police officer i have been speaking to on the phone calls me and Chloe to a dark room.
Chloe and i sit in the two grey chairs in front of a computer screen. i press play and i see the video of me getting ran over immediately wanting to look away as that was a sight i did not want to see.
"no go back go back" Chloe says rewinding it back and slowing down the footage. she zooms in the computer screen. we look at each other
"you were right..." She says. both of us still in shock. it was jasmine and Rebecca.
I look over at Angelina and she her absolutely disgusted.
"I'm so sorry, girl." I sympathize. She scoffs and looks away.
"I don't need your sympathy" she growls. I look down at my hands and analyze what happened. Our two best friends did a hit and run and framed my boyfriend. What the fuck. I feel horrible for Angelina. Although we aren't that close anymore, I still care very deeply for her.
"What do you think they'll do to them?" I ask.
"im not sure. put them to jail to rot is what im hoping" i say as i walk out the room slamming the door behind me. anger was flowing through my veins and i couldn't control it.
" cant say that.." Chloe says looking down at the floor trying to keep up with my pace
"what the hell do you mean i can't say that?! Chloe they fucking run me over KNOWINGLY and drove off. they deserve everything that's coming to them maybe even worse." i say. i didn't want to raise my voice but i couldn't handle it. i just needed to get out of there.
i immediately see luke and Brendon waiting outside. Luke reaches out to grab my hand but i quickly yank it away.
"i am not in the mood. we'll talk in the car" i say as i walk through the doors out of the police department leaving a confused luke trailing behind

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