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Arc 1- Germaphobe Duke.

When I was an innocent little kid I was introduced to the world of heroes and villains. I had an idol to admire like any other kids. Some kids might have admired all those superheroes and princess but for me it was always the villians.

I don't know what made me admire them but somehow at that time I thought 'Ah...heroes always win that's so boring why don't I become the villain and win.'

Well, as a kid what I hated most was boredom and to avoid this I did anything that could keep me amused.
I even switched my sister's shampoo with an itching powder or ate her ice cream blaming my little brother. Man...I was crazy back then.

Because of this boredom I thrust of becoming the best villain. So growing up I somehow ended up being scientist. I was known as the world's most wanted man, people began to call me the mad scientist.

Anyway you all must be wondering why am I telling you all of this? because somehow I ended up died and in this void like place.

So children don't try to do anything suspicious or mix any chemicals. I am the result of experiment gone wrong. Always remember kids safetly first.

I don't know how time works in this void but I am sure I spent here more than a thousands of years. It is so boring I tell you. Only darkness is here until I saw a ball of light smacking towards my face that is.

Before I knew it I heard an annoying childish voice.

[Welcome host, I am system 456 also known as the otome system. I will guide host to his travels in different worlds. Let's get along host.]

'Wait for a second, what do you mean by the otome system and can you please explain all this whatever situation is this to me.'

[Host as you know your died. Your soul is now bonded to me. I am known as the otome system the first ever system under project O.T.O.M.E so please be honored. If this project succeed then there will be more otome systems like me and I will be there Dai Sempai. Host, you will also be rewarded and if mission is completed you can choose the world to stay or go back to your own world with the skills you have accumulated. So work hard host.]

'You must be kidding me. Don't i have to say anything in this? I don't want to do this following others order is not my style.'

[You don't have any choice host but for my polite appearance's sake I will ask you if you want to be my host or not. If not your soul will be destroyed.]

'Heh...are you trying to threaten me? How cute. You know in my pervious world I was the villain. So why don't you destroy my soul then? Let me see how it feels.'

[Host as you're already bonded to me. You can have many skills learned from the system space after completing the main mission. Think about it from my system store you can have many interesting and awesome items. As my first host to this awesome otome system I can give you many points to buy items and gift package too. How about it host? Care to experience adventures with me.]

'Cut your crap. What are you talking these nonsense about? I don't care about those things. I don't want to travel with you it seems boring to me. Hurry up and destroy my soul.'

[Wait host...wait a second...how about it? You can travel the world of otome games with me and be the villain far greater than now. You can be number one villian the greatest villian in all universe.]

'Umm....I like that title 'The Greatest Villian of all Universe' you seems to know me quite well. Okay that's a deal let's travel.'

Pew...this host's brain seems to work in different ways. I almost lost a host there. I don't want to get punished.   
[ Okay then. I will transfer you now. Transferring host in 10%...17%...56%...77%....89%...96%...100%...Transfer completed.]

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