chapter 22:🌵 Its Quite To Quite 🐝

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It's been 2 months since we found out the gender of the babies. We decided to wait till the baby shower to tell everyone the gender and I have to say things have been quite between Rye and Andy, like there back to how they were before this hole mess started. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but Andy Fowler doesn't quit never has and never will but now he has and it just seems to good to be true. The baby shower which we decided to have at Rye's mum's is going  smoothly and we are playing how well do you know each other? And we've split into boys and girls so the boys will answer a question about  a girl and the girls do the same but for a boy and the team with the most points wins and the losers have to do a forfeit from the winning team.

[A/N the answers that will be given for the boys arnt true some will and I'm sure you'll know the true ones from the fake ones so yh enjoy!]

We're in the backgarden in our teams and we go in order one girl and boy walk up and the both pick a question out of the hat to ask each other. The first 2 to go up are Dominique and Brooklyn and Dominique goes first.
"What was your first date with your partner?" She asks him with a smile.
"That's to easy we went shopping then had a movie night" Brooklyn replied with a smile.
"Is that right?" Storm asked. Dominique nodded and Mikey put a point on the boys side.
" What is the one pet hate that your partner has when it comes to you?" Brooklyn says looking at Dominique.
"He doesn't like when I put my feet on him when we're in bed" she says laughing.
"What can I say personal space babe." Brooklyn said as they sat down and Mikey added a point to our side. The game went on like this till it was mine and Rye's turn and at the moment the boys were winning by one point.
"What did you partner do before they were in Roadtrip?" He read.
" You were a free runner and you were in another band called state of mind." I say grinning. Mikey put a point on our side before I asked Rye.
"What is your partner's pet hate of you?"
" I'm gonna say that his pet hate is that I talk through films or I spoil ones he hasn't watched" I say with a cheeky smile making him laugh.
" And the final score is the boys are the winners so the girls are doing the forfiet." All the boys jump around like they have just achieved something massive which made us girls roll pour eyes and laugh. When they had calmed down the looked at us before Andy said.
" So you forfit is that your all going to be drenched in ice cold water. Well I say all of you but for obvious reasons Shelli won't." The last part made the girls groan before they quickly changed. I stood away from them but I could still see what was going on. The boys came out with there buckets of water smiling evily and just tipped the buckets over the girls making them scream and me laugh. Rye came over and hugged me smiling before kissing me and he said.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I said smiling and pulling him into a hug and as I'm hugging I noticed andy watching with a look I can't make out but it makes me feel sad about it.

The day has gone of without a hitch and everyone went mental over the gender and now I'm tired and sitting on a bench when Andy came over and sat next to me with a small smile.
"How's your ankles? Still precious to you?" He asked with a straight face.
"Never better thanks though sometimes they can hurt but apart from that there good." I reply matching his straight face before we both bust out laughing.
"God I've missed this." He says once we stop laughing.
"Me to." I say with a smile.
"Why him?" He asks which took me of Gard.
"I'm sorry what?" I say.
"He hurt you so much yet the second he shows some interest you run back to him. Why him? What has he got that you just can't let go of?" He says his eyes intense making me skwerm.
"It's not just one thing Andy it's him as a hole he just is the person I want to be with always has even if I didn't want it to be it was always going to be him." I reply.
"So you used me? You never loved me did you?" He asked.
"I never used you and and of course I loved you but I just love him that bit more I'm sorry for that." I say watching him dreading that he'll say what I think he'll say when he says.
"I still love you Shelli like I said I have since I first met you and it's never stopped and I can't let you get away and be with him, I will win you back and I'll fight for you." I have at him not sure of what to say.
" I always get what I want Shelli and you are all I want you are mine not his mine.!"
And with that he gets up and walks away not sparing me a second glance.
He's coming for me and I have no clue what to do...
Heyy beautiful people ❤
So look at me doing a massive update sorry for the long wait but I have a confession to make...

So I've been saying that the reason behind me not updating on all my books was because I was busy wellllll that's not true the truth is is that a couple of weeks ago ( the 27th of June to be excat!) Was the day before my prom and as it was prom I got my nails done and yes your all gonna say how's this errelivant to you not updating? Well my darling roadies the nails I had on made it difficult to type on my phone so I couldn't write much so I didn't and it sounds stupid but I could not do anything I tried opening a can of Dr pepper and I couldn't it was hard but now as I'm writing this which would be yesterday to the day I post this I managed to get them off so now I can type to my heart's content!

I know this is a weird excuse but it's true honest and hey what can I say before I had my nails done for prom I had never had them done so this was a first but yh!

Also just thought I'd say there's only like 5 or 6 chapters left of the book so thanks for staying through both loving my best friend and coming back from you. you are amazing and after a big debate with myself and just because I love you all I've decided to write a 3rd and final book of this series which I'll talk about later when this books close to being done.

One last thing and you can carry on with your day.

Team Andy 🌵


Team Rye Beaumont 🐝

Comment your team!

So on that not

Comment, vote, fan
(Or all 3 😊)
Till next time
Shelli x

P.s if you have and book recommendations or you write your own books then comment the name and I'll take a look x

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