Chapter 5

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Darth pushed me againest the wall and started to reach up my shirt i gasped at the touch of his cold hands i again tried to push him away he was like a wall......a brick wall. tears started to roll down my face as he tried to tug my shirt off. "no..please stop i beg you" i gasped with tears streaming down my face.

i looked up at him slowly as he tried to tug my shirt he looked into my eyes his eyes filled with lust and hunger. "no" he said he tugged off my shirt and threw it on the ground. he then started roughly kissing my neck again. tears poured down my face now. what was i gonna do?

Darths POV

i kissed down her neck she  was so hott i loved her i heard her cry and cry as i kissed her. then guilt washed over me. "what am i doing?" i thought. i then stopped and i looked at her. "im sorry" i said and i grabbed her shirt from the floor and gave it to her. she took it without responding. i found a clean towel and helped her wipe the tears off her face. it was the least i could do. i slowly opened the closet door to see if any one was in the hallway... it was empty i let her go first and she ran down the hall way then i exited my self. all i could feel right now was guilty.....

Anna POV

i cant believe him im so glad he stopped! well at least he stopped... but that doesnt mean what he did was ok i dont think i could ever forgive him. i made my way to class and handed mr peterson the hall pass. so i then made my way to my seat and sat down before i came back to class i stopped by the bathroom to make sure the love bite was covered i didnt want anyone to assume i was a slut. the bell rang for the next class and the day passed by faster then i could say i love chocolate.


yeah sorry for the short chapter and i dont think it was that good so sorry i just had to update sorry if it isnt good im not in a good mood at all but im like i cant let my readers down!!! :) so i updated and so still i know lately the updates have been everyday please dont expect the updates everyday because it depends on my schedule and all





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