Chapter 30

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(Time skip a month forward)

"Are you ready to leave Roni?" Jackson asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. Am I ready to leave and go back to live around others? These past eight months have been nothing but me being alone with my thoughts. I don't want to be alone anymore, nor do I want to stay locked away in this cottage.

"Yes, I'm ready," I called back to him as I left my room and made my way towards the living room. Once I entered, I grabbed one car seat while Jackson grabbed the other. Fastening the car seats in place, I got into the passenger seat. "So where are we off to?" I asked with curiosity as we began our drive.

"I can't necessarily tell you yet, but when we get there I'll let you know everything. For now, you need to know that there will be a set of rules for when we get there. Do you understand?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road.

"Yes, sir." He then proceeded to tell me the rules I needed to follow once we got to our destination. One major rule was, if ever someone who I used to know showed up anywhere around me before I got clearance to come back, I would need to leave immediately. That's the one thing that's going to be the hardest thing for me to do. Honestly, I don't know how I would respond if I ever saw any of them ever again. Other rules varied from making sure the twins had a routine schedule, to bedtime. Do I seriously need a bedtime?

"Are we all set on the rules?" He asked quickly glancing at me before his eyes returned to the road.

"Yups," I said before turning around to check on the twins which were fast asleep. My sweet little angels. After a while, I fell asleep.

I was walking on what felt like air. My body felt so light as I continued walking. Soon, I arrived at a familiar house, one I hadn't seen in a long time. As I reached the house, I encountered two beautiful young women. They both looked to be around the same age as me, maybe a couple of years younger. Standing beside them were none other than Denver and Carter, only they looked a bit older. "There you are my queen," Denver said proudly as he reached out for my hand. Gladly giving it to him, I gave him a smile in return.

"Mom you have no idea how much we missed you," one of the girls said. That's when I started to notice that one resembled Denver ever so slightly, while the other resembled Carter.

"Devonica and Acacia?" I asked too in shock to believe that these beautiful girls are mine.

"Momma, are you okay?" Acacia asked with an expression full of worry.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Devonica added as she released a small chuckle from her lips.

"As we were talking about. I'll be taking the girls for the weekend." Carter smiled as he kissed my forehead before collecting the girls. Reaching his car both girls waved goodbye to Denver and I, before driving away. Hugging Daddy in a cuddly manor, he smiled down at me before speaking.

"You know I love you right?" Nodding, he continued. "So now you know that now you have to wake up." What? Wake up? "Wake up Roni! Wake up!"

"Veronica," Jackson said lightly shaking me awake.

"Huh? How long was I asleep?"

"Uhm three days...anyways, come on let's go," he said gently pulling me out of the passenger seat.

"Three days?"

"I'm only joking," he laughed. Stepping out of the car, I noticed the giant house we were parked outside.

"This place looks huge. Is this another temporary place until we get to the new house?"

"This is the house, Roni," he smirked as my jaw dropped. "Too good to be true huh?" He smiled as he unlocked the door before returning to the car to retrieve the bags from the car. After grabbing the girls, I headed inside. The inside was just as amazing as the outside with everything appearing to be like something you'd see in a mansion. This place was really amazing. Going up the stairs, the girls and I explored until we stumbled into a room that looked like it was made especially for them. It was honestly adorable, with the walls being a light shade of purple and white. One wall was a chalkboard, I'm guessing for them to draw on when they get older. Once I got my babies settled in their new room, I continued to roam around the house until eventually, I found myself at the back doors of the house. Pulling the glass and screen doors open, I was greeted by the natural scent of many different flowers. As my bare feet came in contact with the grass, my toes curled up against it. Oh, how I missed the outdoors so much. I hated always having to be inside, never being allowed out. Due to the simple fear of my location being discovered. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" Jackson said from behind me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for being out here. It's's been so long since I've actually been outside, you know," I said with a slightly saddened expression as I turned around to face him. I missed this. I missed being outside in the sun and feeling its warmth.

"I'm glad you're getting used to your surroundings. Don't worry. Here, you won't be trapped inside anymore. You're free to do as you please, just as long as you remember the rules. Okay?" He asked, which I nodded my head to show that I comprehend what he had said to me. "You can enjoy your time outside, alright?"

"What about the girls?" I questioned with a little bit of worry in my tone.

"Don't worry I'll take care of them," he said reassuringly. Before I could open my mouth to speak again he continued. "And before you ask, I am staying this time. You won't be alone anymore so you won't have to worry about having help with the girls," he stressed.

"T-thank y-you," I blushed as I gave a kind smile to him. I won't have to be alone anymore. He's done so much for me and I can't even begin to describe how happy I am to start over in a new place, though, I really do miss everyone. Jackson said once everything was taken care of everything would go back to normal and I could see everyone again. All I have to do is keep hope. That's all I can do. Jackson headed back inside as I laid on the grass staring up at the sky. Things stayed calm for the rest of the day.

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