Chapter 1: Well, this is awkward..

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           "Do you ever get that feeling, i mean just the thought of you being destined to be alone forever?

That's the struggle for me. That and being extremely awkward. Actually there's a lot wrong with me, and you obviously know that of course, but hey, that's life." I feel like i'm rambling uncontrollably, but it doesn't even matter this is a major crisis, it's always good to have someone to talk to. Someone who will listen as a matter of fact.

    "And to top that all off, i moved to this new place... specifically a new state and city entirely, Sioux Falls, South Dakota of the fricking USA. MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.  I mean it's completely different from home . I guess i'll have to just cope or something." I rolled my eyes, this is complete torture.


       " Well, coping is a great start Bentley! Maybe you will overcome..uhm.. overcome being scared all the time 'cause, i'm not even gonna lie you my friend, need to live a little ."  My best friend Colin, who unfortunately is back home, said with a wink. He's such a dork!

  "Yeah, you are SO lucky you are behind a screen, because i would have already had my hands around that neck of yours. You're a fricking loser, and i miss you already!"

        I am grateful for technology, but it sucks moving away, leaving my comfort zone.

"But hey coley, i have to go okay? I'll Skype ya soon, i have to go unpack some more.. i can't even contain my excitement." The sarcasm rolled off my tongue, like a ball rolling down a steep hill.

 He sticks his lower lip out and pouts.

        "Well i will talk to you soon, most definitely, have fun" He winked and waved, with a big ole smile.

I give a last good-bye wave for the day and shut my laptop. How does he put up with me? 

I mean he's one of the most "popular" guys at school? My old school of course. Colin McClay, star name, for a star player. He's the quarterback for our high school varsity football team. I don't know very much about football, but i guess since he is the quarterback, he gets a lot of the attention.  With just the snap of his fingers, he could get what and who he wants.


         But i'm just a not so ordinary girl, with a not so common name. Bentley Rae Hathaway. It kinda has a ring to it i guess. I didn't really have the best representation of who i was at my old school, i wasn't all cool beans like Colin. I was known as the shy, awkward girl who hung out with the school stud. Just the tag along perhaps? I have no idea. But hey, the rest of the football team knew who i was which was a plus... and i guess a few of the players thought i was " super fine" or my favorite one that Colin told me about, i got called "fucking foxy." It made me chuckle, so i didn't really mind it.

         I wonder what it's going to be like here, i wish mom could have gotten a different job opportunity, closer to home, i wish-

    "Bentley! Come down stairs for a minute, i need your help carrying some more shit in to the house!" My oh so sweet mother interrupted my thoughts, such vulgar language.. But that good ole mom for ya. 

       "Coming!!" I Yelled as i ran down the soft carpeted stairs, accidentally misplacing my step, feeling as if i'm sliding to my death, falling down the stairs. As soon as i reached the bottom, and recover from my near death experience, i stood up but not only looking up to meet my moms eyes...but two more pairs,complete strangers.  I'm assuming them to be my neighbors. Well this is awkward.. There standing right in front of me is a woman, and a really super attractive guy  who looks my age.


    "Uhm... HI... hello there, uhm sorry if you saw that, tumble? i did there, bad things happen to me all the time so i'm not surprised, i mean i'm surprised that i had witnesses but otherwise-" my mom cuts me off... yeah yeah, i tend to ramble on and on.


" Bentley" she smiles at me, in a weird way, i bet she's embarassed now... oh well.. " These are our neighbors, they stopped in to welcome us to the neighborhood, isn't that nice??" I smiled  " oh yes, for sure. mom" I look back to the two strangers. " Hey, my name's Bentley, thank you for welcoming us and stuff, that's pretty cool"


     Then the woman opened her mouth to speak. " Well, Bentley i am Mrs. Henderson, and this is my son, Austin." Mrs. Henderson smiled at me, but her son gave me the nod. The Gosh dang nod?? Well okay then. He had a really nice, but different look to him. He has teal eyes, Brunette hair, and he was tall and seemed pretty built. Is this a dream? I have a hot neighbor.. Oh lord maybe it will turn out to be like the movies, or like those stories you read on the internet!

A girl can only dream..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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