Part 2

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"Yeah, you guys are the winners." A lady with a phone in her hand said. How ironic. Jasmine and Shanel screamed. I held my ears.  "Okay." I simply said. Another girl walked up to us. "Hey, I'm Desiree." She said. The girl was pretty. "Hey Desiree. I'm  Shanel." Shanel said, introducing herself. "I'm Jasmine" Jasmine said. "Naya"  "oh. I cant believe we got picked to go up on stage!" She said. "Us either!" Jasmine said. The boys came backstage. I was grabbed by a boy with an Afro, while Jas was grabbed by one with two braids and Shanel with one that has curly hair, and a hat on. Desiree was grabbed by a boy with a Mohawk and sunglasses. We were brought on stage an seated on two couches.

Let's see how this ends...................

Naya's P.O.V


We danced with the guys for a little while until the boy with the Afro mouthed me something I could tell he had a mic on him so he could'nt say anything to me in private. It sounded  like he said " Hello , I'm Princeton" but who knows I can't read lips.

When the dance was over I heard a mixture of yay's and screaming. Then the boys escorted us to the side of the stage were know one could see us. Then the boy with the Afro whispered ' Meet us in our dressing room after the show ' and then winked at his manager to tell him it's ok..



"I'm so happy"    Desiree almost screamed at us and the others agreed exept Naya

"I'm thrilled !"    Naya said sarcastically and Shanel nudged her to be quiet

"Don't hate you might get you some Princeton"  Shanel said like that dude from malibu's most wanted

"Yeah right and don't hit me because if my instink's would've kicked in fast enough I would've slapped you dead in your face , hard and plus im older nah !' Naya says then winks

"How old are you?"Desiree asked

"I'm 15 and Jasmine and Shanel are 14 yeah I know mindless crap won't date a 12 year old yeah " Naya exclamed

Then they finally got to there dressing room

''Dangggg..........this  place is biggg!!

Then they heard the door click

A/N there's a pic of Naya

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