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••••••areum pov••••••

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areum pov

I woke up to a loud buzzing sound coming from under my pillow.

Rubbing my eyes, I reached under my pillow and grabbed my phone. I opened it to read messages from Jay.


Hey, wanna hangout today? I'll buy food and we can go to that park near your orphanage

and don't even say you are busy cause u never do anything at home. I know you don't have a life and it's okay. That's why I'm here 😌

Still as blunt as ever then😒
Well... I guess since I don't have to pay, I'll come :)

J💕: okay, I'll pick you up at 11:30


I quickly got up, took a quick shower and wore as grey tank top and a jean jacket on top with some black jeans.

When I was finished getting ready, the clock read 11:00. I took the chance to try and add a little bit of makeup on my face. Not too much, just basic stuff that I learned from Jisoo.

I put on some concealer, eyeliner and did my eyebrows. I also added fake eyelashes and mascara on top of that since I barely have any lashes. When I was about to put on some lipstick, I heard a knock on the door.

That must be Jay.

I headed over to the door, ready to leave, and was greeted by not Jay, but the director of my orphanage.

"Hello Areum." She said as I gulped.

Since she came all the way here, she must have some pretty bad news.

She is actually a really nice person, but she usually calls me when she has to inform me about something. The fact that she is here is just a bit unsettling.

"Mrs. Kwon." I bowed to her and she smiled.

"Am I interrupting you in any way?" She asked with a smal smile and I quickly shook my head.

"I would've offered you a place to sit but.." I looked around my little apartment that had so chairs whatsoever. The only place we could on was on my bed but that would be weird.

"No it's okay, I won't be here long." She chuckled.

I nodded and she handed me an envelope.

"Open that when you feel ready to okay?" She said and I hesitantly nodded.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Something that your father left for you." She said." The hospital gave it to us and said that your father wanted you to have it when you were old enough so we waited."

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