Chapter 8- Why me?

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Ross' P.O.V

We are having Aaliyah's family over for dinner. I am kinda nervous, like me and her are telling her family about us.

"Ross!" Rocky said.


"Why do you look so, nervous?" he asks.

"We're telling her family about us." I explain

"Its going to be okay, dude"

"Okay" I say.

Nobody knows how much is going through my head.. But I wish someone knew. The door bell went off, and I opened the door to reveal, her dad, mom, sisters, brothers. I invited them in but some odd reason Aaliyah came in last, looking like she was crying.

"You alright?" I ask her.

"Yeah.. I will talk about it later." she responds.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

-Before they got to the Lynch's-

When I got home my dad had thrown me into a wall and hit me in the face. He screamed at me. I ran up to my room with tears streaming down my face, I couldn't take it anymore, I slit my thigh cause I didn't want anyone seeing them, after that I had a quick shower and threw on an outfit, I tried my best to use my makeup to cover up my redness on my face and the bruise starting to form. I walked downstairs and everyone was waiting. We all went into the car and left to go over to the Lynch's. I got out of the car last and we all went up to the house and knocked, I walked in last their too..

-At dinner-

"Can I be excused?" I ask, I got weird looks.

"Yes of course, sweetheart." Stormie said. I went up the there bathroom and closed the door. I head a knock and I opened it to reveal Rydel.

"Hey" I said turning away, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug, then pulled me to her room..

"What's going on?" she asks.

"A.. A lot." I finally said.

"Explain?" she said.. I could take it, I just let myself cry..

"I have hate everywhere!! My dad even hates me too!" I say.

"He doesn't hate you!"

"Got makeup cleaners?" I ask, she nods and goes and gets them and hands me a couple.. I rubbed off ALL my make up to reveal a black bruise. "If he didn't hate me, would he have done this?" I ask.

"Oh. My. God, are you okay? You can stay here tonight? Did you do it?" she asks.

"I'll be fine.. I don't know. Y-yes" I respond.

"Where?" she asks


"I'm going to get the boys.." Rydel said and ran downstairs. I heard a knock I opened it to see.... My dad.

"This is what you do on your spare time?" he comes in and shuts the door.

"Why do you care?" I ask. Then I felt a sting on the side on my face and pain in my ribs, I looked through my tears in my eyes and see I'm on the floor and he's kicking me hard in the ribs.. I screamed

"You are so worthless Aaliyah did you know that! Just kill yourself" he screams.

"Fine! I will." I walked out and ran outside over to my house and ran into the house and locked my bedroom door.

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