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"So whats the problem?" I asked Brent. We were driving down the hills toward town.

"I have no clue. I know as much as you do."

"Well whatever it is, it better be important. I should be with-"

I stopped talking immediately. Something was wrong. Something was warning me. I could feel it. There was a problem.


"STOP!" I commanded.

Brent slammed his foot on the break, his twisted up in concern.

"Alert the pack and meet me back at the cabin. NOW!"

I got out of the truck, and began running toward the cabin. My wolf was edgy now. Was something wrong? I shifted immediately in to my wolf as I picked up speed.

I arrived at the cabin. I questioned Brent's whereabouts through the link. He was not too far behind. I shifted back to human form as I ran into the door. The living room was destroyed completely. Tables and chairs thrown everywhere. I considered it a sign of struggle.

My wolf was ringing in my head now, wondering where Aniyah could be or if she was okay.

I sniffed the air. I instantly caught the scent of something familiar yet unwelcoming.


My wolf was pissed now. He wanted to lose it. He wanted to kill everything in sight until she was back. I ran up to the bedroom and noticed the untouched furniture and appliances.

I ran my hands over my face, frustrated, pissed, annoyed. I stood there for what felt like forever, trying to calm my wolf from going on a killing spree.


James, I need you here NOW. I mind linked. James was my best tracker. If he couldn't find her, no one else could.

Moments had passed before I picked up my shorts, slipped them on, ran downstairs and out the door to see half of my pack already here, waiting. Some were in human form, others in their wolf.

"ROGUES WERE HERE!" I announced to them. "THEY TOOK HER."

Gasps and growls roared out across the plains in anger and disbelief. They were just as pissed and furious as I was.

I need to find her.

Who ever did this will pay the price.

Blood will be shed.



Prying open my eyes, I struggled to look at my new surroundings.

"Ouch." I groaned in agony.

My head was pounding with an annoying pain. I reached to touch my head. I was stopped.

"What the hell?" I opened my eyes to adjust it to the light.

I was in some kind of room. The room was very small and windowless. In the corner of the room was a lamp with no shade on it. There was also one chair sitting in the middle of the room.

I sat myself up and noticed I was laying across an old looking mattress.


I attempted to move myself, only to realize how restricted I was. I looked down at myself to see why. Cuffs and chains were locked around my ankles and my wrists. I began panicking again.

Where the hell am I?

I began feeling sick. The smell of the room was nauseating, like old wet socks and trash juice.

The door slowly creaked open, and in walked a guy I never saw before.

"Good, you're awake." He smirk grew.

He slammed down a tray. On the tray was a bottle of cold water and a dry looking bologna sandwich. I looked at him furiously.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"Well." He bent down so he was at eye level with me. "My leader will explain it to you."

He stood up and dismissed hisself from the room. I reach down and picked up the bottle of water. I cracked it on, and guzzled it. My mouth felt so dry. Looking back at the tray, I furiously kicked it across the stained floors.

I sat back against the wall. Tears began to cloud my eyes, tempting to fall but crying wouldn't help me. I took a deep breath and sucked it in. I needed to be strong for me, and Jason.


Alone. Scared. I have been sitting on this mattress without a single idea of where I'am or why I was here.

After what felt like hours in this room, someone finally walked in. Two men, they looked to be in their mid-twenties. One had black spiky hair and the other had brown locks.

Then a third man walked in. He looked to be the leader the other guy spoke of. He was tall and built, a little smaller then Jason I believe. His arms were covered in what I thought were tattoos, but were actually scars. His hair was a dirty blonde and he had brown eyes. Something about him read 'Threat' to me.

I eased closer to the wall, distancing myself as far away. I brought my arms closer to my body, alerting myself of the thin material that was wrapped around my body. 

I tried to cover my body as much as possible before they get any dumb ideas.

"Don't worry girl, we don't want to hurt you. Well yet." He seemed almost amused by my fear.

The leader pulled up a chair and sat in it. He starred at me for a few seconds before proceeding to speak.

"I'am Kane." He spoke proudly.

Wow even his name sound threatening. He leaned in toward me and gripped my face, forcing to turn my head. His eyes scanned my neck.

"Hmmmm freshly mated I see." He turned to face the other men. "Look what we have here gentleman. The luna."

They stared at me as I stared back, holding back the urgent fear in me.

"Im guessing you're wondering why you are here, correct?"

I didn't respond to him. Just stared on.

"Well, we made a little deal with someone-"

"WHO?" I asked quickly, cutting him off.

"Shhh, Im talking. Like I was saying. We made a little deal with some interesting people. The deal is we deliver you, we get what we so dearly want. You know, like a little trade."

My mind raced back to when the old creepy vampire waiter told me he needed to take me somewhere to someone. Could it be the same person? Why the hell does everyone want me?

"Who do you have to deliver me to?" I asked again.

"Well that my dear, is confidential." They all shared a laugh. He stood to leave, heading for the door.

"Then what are you getting for my delivery?" I asked.

A devious smirk crossed his sickening face. Why did I ask? He parted his thin lips to speak.

"Your mate's head on a gold platter." He turned and walked out, his minions followed .

I couldn't breath now. He wants my mate, my Jason, my love. Why? I couldn't let this happen. I needed to get out of here. But how? I don't know but I have to figure something out and fast.

Sex With A Beast (Sex With A Beast Series #1)✔Where stories live. Discover now