mistake and icebirge

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(mistake) From a very early age my parents hated me with a passion. My father raped me at only 3 years old while my mom whatched it happen (they lefted a note) after that they threw me into the sewer and got consider an outcast from being the rapist around here is not charged the victim is.

 (Narrator) The sewer is were raped gay/lesbian unwanted and outcast goes for death this place is nothing evle it’s full of coler and no hate the outsides the ones that is full of hate. They never knew better thought that’s because that’s how it’s always been the dot know knotting else.

(Mistake) So I have great loving parents that adopted me and there are a gay couple and their best. There is a thing in this place called the no names. There is only 10% of the population that is concerted no named. They are the people who forgot, never named or name was lost. I was one of the no names with a name that have been lost. My parents were never named because they both came from noble families and there is a tradition that they get named at 19. They both got banished because they were visiting the others family and thy when to the gets room and said “why don’t try kissing” they did and then that’s when that happed. They got caught and were sent to the sewer together and their love just progressed sensed then.

  i do owon story by megan 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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