Jack Day ~ the player

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Jack Rufus Day






sexual orientation:
Closet bisexual




Jack is as typical as they get - or so it seems. He has every trait of your stereotypical player; insanely egotistical, highly flirtatious and incredibly dense. He rushes into any situation headfirst, not thinking of what consequences it may have for either parties involved, and he's pretty hotheaded. However, he has a softer side; he loves animals and babies. He may seem very apathetic - not caring much for the future, but really he's in heavy turmoil about it. He makes a grand show of hiding his true feelings, and no one knows what really lurks beneath the façade he puts on for popularity.


Jack has moderately long, sandy blonde hair, and striking icy blue eyes. He stands at a meagre 5'6 - but acts as though he's six feet tall and he hates jibes on his height. Jack's build is impressive - not bulky in the sense of the word but rather athletic and toned. Not lithe or lean, and not bodybuilder type either. Fit - in the textbook definition of the word. His skin is tanned - not incredibly so, but enough to remark about. He has a very slight dusting of freckles along the bridge of his nose that are only noticeable upon intimate moments; and you'd also pick up that he has a fleck of hazel brown in each eye near the pupil in said moments. His clothing style ranges from athletic leisure to flannels and beanies. His one signature, however, is a sleeveless black hoodie. It looks worn and tired: no one knows why he loves it so. His wrists are always unquestionably covered with wristbands from festivals and watches. So much so, in fact, that the area is milk-bottle white in comparison to the rest of his body.

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Jack's very sporty: he's magnificent at football and swimming. Jack is also very caring to those he loves deep down and this can prove to be an invaluable asset for future relationships, as he will do anything, including dying, for his loved ones. He also has a knack for charming people somewhat involuntarily, and whether he knows of this quality is unknown.


Some weaknesses Day have range from being serious to minor. He is hotheaded as mentioned before, and this isn't great as he's suffered both emotional and physical pain from this. He is positively abysmal at cooking, and at commitment in relationships. Some people worship him like a god - and others detest him like Satan. His reputation may end up being his downfall, as no one thinks he has a future ahead of high school.


His interests include football, watching football, swimming, ramen noodles, summer, beaches, heavily wooded forests and light drizzles. He also adores kittens and pups... basically any baby human or animal, to be honest. He never admits it, but he loves reading too.


Jack hates thunderstorms. It's questionable he may have a phobia of them. He also dislikes serious situations, commitment, and love. He hates any sort of injustice and won't hesitate to jump in to that type of action. He also hates people badmouthing him or those he loves; and rumours.


Jack was only 8 when both his parents perished in a fire. He has bounced around various orphanages in London, and was taken in by the Williamson family, with a daughter named Jessica. His relations with these people are futile at best; though he's inseparable from Jessica. Everyone in school knows his history, but no one dares ask or talk about it with him. He seems so happy all the time - why ruin it? Sometimes he takes weeks off of school at a time with no warning or explanation however, and again - this isn't questioned. These weeks off, however, are devoted to him helping his pack hunt and he has to do this otherwise he'll be kicked out and rendered rogue. These weeks are usually the fortnight of a full moon.


Day is half Canadian, half Scottish. His accent a Londoners' one, however.

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