Caleb Cestria ~ the sailor

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Caleb 'Cal' Cestria






sexual orientation:
Closet Gay




Cal's hair is his most distinctive feature. It's platinum white - no one knows how, or why; it certainly isn't dyed, that's for sure. He's fair skinned also, but despite his skin almost being as white as his hair, it looks good. In the sun however he tans to a beautiful golden-brown - but he hates the sun, so fat chance of ever seeing him tanned. He hasn't had his growth spurt yet and only stands at 5'4 but his voice has almost fully broken. He has a few freckles dotted on his arms erratically and a dusting over the bridge of his nose - enhancing his cuteness. He tends to wear clothing of a somewhat nautical style; while all his t-shirts, cargo shorts and hoodies are washed out and worn, they're only in white, light blue and navy. Cal has some crooked teeth near the back of his jaw, but despises braces so will never fix it.

 Cal has some crooked teeth near the back of his jaw, but despises braces so will never fix it

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Cal's a smol boi. He's quiet, somewhat shy and keeps himself to himself. He doesn't have many friends - and wouldn't have it any other way. He's kind of salty and could be compared to a little brat at times, but it's just because he's had no real connection to anyone. He can be somewhat standoffish, annoying and immature, but he can also be caring and polite when he wants to be. Cal is very much an introvert - but acts out when he's trying to impress people. He's very sensitive inside, and still needs to figure out where he wants to go in life, really.


Cal is incredibly quick witted and quietly confident. He can't fight or even run very well, but he's an expert sailor and fisherman. Other than some good mental maths skills also, he doesn't have many strengths he knows of.


Cal is so easily frightened. Really; whether it be the dark, the deeps of the waters; gore and blood or something as mediocre as snowmen, he'll avoid it like the plague. He's also very squeamish and easily pukes - some reckon it's why he's so lithe. He's also bad with words.


If it isn't obvious, Cal adores the sea. He loves to go fishing each morning, and frequently takes his trusty small boat Esabella out for rides around the harbour. He also loves peaches, apricots and nectarines - all fruits he can buy at the local fruit market.


Scary things. Poor Cal can't stand anything remotely scary, and he also hates cars despite the rising necessity to have one in today's society. He pretty much dislikes anything that isn't nautical in some shape or form.


Cal wasn't always a sailor; in fact, his passion only began for the sea a few years ago. He moved from a quaint little village north of England to a small coastal town in the Outer Hebrides. His parents originally bought the house as a summer home, but they loved it so much they decided to move. However, he's still a newcomer to the local residents; he doesn't mingle, ever, so if you asked them if they knew him, they'd say no. He's invisible.


Cal has a lot of undiscovered musical talent, and hates mussels. That is all.

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