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Tessa Jock is my name. I'm just your average 16 year old, teenage girl who does what average teenage girls do. I have brown hair, hazel eyes and I'm Greek. Tessa Jock that's not really a Greek name. It's because my mom married my American dad. My mom had met my dad when she went to Ontario, Canada. She was on a tour of the University of York in Toronto. She didn't speak much English and that's where my Dad came in he was my mom's translator. Later on, after they have graduated my dad had proposed to my mom and my mom brought him back to Greece.
I'm a normal girl, living a normal life, or so I was. One day my life changed majorly, when I met him, Milo Drakos. His eyes are deep sea blue, you can get lost in his eyes and lose track of time.
This big change has happened out of nowhere. It was when I went on a trip to visit my grandparents in Santorini, Greece. I have only been to Santorini a few times in my life but this time was an important time. Yia Yia had been diagnosed with lung cancer and Papou was not able to help her all the time since he had to work on our fishing boat to earn money to afford treatment for Yia Yia.
I didn't expect to fall in love and I feel guilty to fall in love when this is happening at the same moment, but the heart wants what it wants when it wants and my heart wanted him. I knew his heart wanted me too.

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