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So, I thought, maybe, I should write about something I know!!! A female Security Supervisor, who deals primarily with men on a daily basis, decides to lay it all on the line.

When a certain patron gets out of hand, she must deal with him in a special way to keep him out of jail. Only the truth will keep him safe now. As he lies there on the bed, completely helpless, handcuffed, and naked, will she allow him to escape punishment so long as he tells the truth? Will he?

His eyes are always ogling women, and she is tired of it! Perhaps some of his own medicine is just what the Supervisor has prescribed. He asked her for her number; so, she gave it to him. He called and begged to come over; so, she agreed. He showed up; now, he is on the bed, in restraints, and completely naked. She is contemplating what her next move will be with this one... Shall she punish him, or shall she just ogle him like he does her and the rest of the ladies at the casino?

Perhaps, a combination of both is in order. Make him suffer with that hard on, standing at attention, and not give him any more? A strip tease over him he can't touch? Perhaps, a finger in her pussy, let him smell her juices, but not close enough to taste? How many ways can she drive him crazy before she gives in and fucks him so hard he will never forget! Maybe she will wear her duty belt and nothing but a pair of thigh-high, black boots!

This is a fantasy I have drawn from my head and in no way reflects any real life depictions. Pure fiction/erotica. Chapter 1 Coming soon!!!

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