According to the bible from the creation or genesis of human Adam and Eve were the first man and woman. They are central to the belief that humanity is in essence a single family, with everyone descended from a single pair of original ancestors. It also provides the basis for the doctrines of the and that are important beliefs in , In the book of the Genesis , chapters one through five, there are two with two distinct perspectives. In the first, Adam and Eve are not mentioned (at least not mentioned by name). Instead, God created humankind in and instructed them to multiply and to be over everything else that God had made. In the second narrative, God fashions from dust and places him in the . Adam is told that he can eat freely of all the trees in the garden, except from only one tree he cant eat . Subsequently, is created from one of Adam's ribs to be Adam's companion. They are innocent and unembarrassed about their nakedness. However, a deceives Eve into eating fruit from the forbidden tree, and she gives some of the fruit to Adam. These acts give them additional knowledge, but it gives them the ability to conjure negative and destructive concepts such as and . God later curses the serpent and the ground. God prophetically tells the woman and the man what will be the consequences of their sin of disobeying God. Then he banishes them from the Garden of Eden.
The first man and woman are in God's Garden of Eden, where all creation is vegetarian and there is no violence. They are permitted to eat of all the trees except one, the , the woman is tempted by a talking serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, and gives some to the man, who eats also. God curses all three, the man to a lifetime of hard Labour followed by death, the woman to the pain of childbirth and to subordination to her husband, and the serpent to go on his belly and suffer the enmity of both man and woman. God then clothes the nakedness of the man and woman, who have become god-like in knowing good and evil, then banishes them from the garden lest they eat the fruit of a second tree, the , unmentioned up to this point, and live forever.
Genesis 4 introduces the humans in their life outside God's garden. The chapter deals with the birth of Adam's sons Cain and Abel and the story of the first murder, followed by the birth of a third son, Seth. Genesis 5, the Book of the Generations of Adam, lists the descendants of Adam from Seth to Noah with their ages at the birth of their first sons (except Adam himself, for whom his age at the birth of Seth, his third son, is given) and their ages at death (Adam lives 930 years). The chapter notes that Adam had other sons and daughters after Seth, but does not name them. Adam has already named the woman Eve at the end of the Eden narrative, and in Genesis 4:25 and for the first time, he is called Adam as a personal name.
ActionThe story begins with birth of a legend who born to end of demonic rise in the world and secure the human race all of from the rise of darkness a fallen angel Lucifer hands from . Lucifer had domain the world all under his hands he want to destruct...