🎶Chapter 5🎶

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Jiro P.O.V
Being in the hospital sucked.
It felt like a white clean prison if you ask me. There was nothing to do, the food is horrible, doctors annoyed me by asking obvious questions like "does the large cut on your neck that you nearly died from hurt?".

Okay they wouldn't say it like that, but you get what I mean.

When I first woke in this place, I couldn't remember anything and everything was a blur, except for the pain in my neck and wrist. After a few moments, I tried to sit up, but found out that I didn't have the energy for it.

I resorted to just staining at the ceiling for a while, until I heard the door to my room slide open. I turned my head with much difficulty, only to see a nurse walk in.

"Oh, I see your awake, that's good" the nurse spoke as she walked to the right side of my bed, where there was a blood bag.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, not even a word. I tried again to say anything, but again, I couldn't. I guess the nurse saw my confusion and panic, cause a moment later, she handed me a notepad and pen.

I looked up at her with confusion.

"I guess no one told you yet?" She asked me with a saddened tone. I shook my head no. What did she mean?

"Well," she began.

"The other night, you and your friend came here, and you were pretty bad, slits on your throat and wrist. You were rushed into surgery to stitch up your neck, but the doctors found that your voice box was damaged, meaning you can't speak" the nurse explained.

I froze.
I...I wouldn't be able to speak? I wouldn't be able to sing? How would I communicate with people? Does that mean I can never perform again!? What will my parent's think!? What would ka-

Like a flash, the memories of last night came into my mind. I remember walking down that narrow street and getting attacked by the Sliter, and him cutting my wrists.
I remember Kaminari coming, wanting to help me escape, but he couldn't do anything without hurting me.

I remember only calling out his name when I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and falling to the ground hardly. I could remember people speaking, but it was all muffled and it sounded like it was underwater. After a few moments, I remembered coughing, feeling like I was choking.

That's when I felt someone lift me up and from the ground and my head resting against them, me coughing still. After that, I couldn't remember anything, for I probably passed out at the point.


I scribbled down a question on the small notepad and handed it to the nurse, who took it.

Where's Kaminari? Is he okay?

"Is that the name of your friend?" The nurse asked, which I nodded to. She smiled. "He's fine for the most part, he just had to get a few stitches on his arm" the nurse explained to me as she handed back my notepad back to me and began making her way to the door.

"I have to go check up on other people now. Someone will come in to check up on you shortly" was all the woman told me as she waved goodbye and closed the door, leaving me in the hospital room alone.

I let out a silent sigh.

I resorted to just staining out the window to the building across from my room, since I had nothing to do. I didn't have my song book, I didn't know where my schoolbag was, so I couldn't do any of my homework.

A few minutes later, I heard people talking outside, but I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but soon I heard the door open.
I didn't look for a few seconds until I became curious, cause I didn't hear anyone walking over.

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