5 (End)

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When Namjoon was done, the three of them sat at a grass patch area beside a reservoir with their belongings thrown to the side as they enjoyed their food.

"What's your mission, Hobi?" Jimin asks, as Namjoon starts to become curious too. Hoseok, on the other hand, looked down onto the grass.

"I have to take a picture of what Yoongi finds the most beautiful, and I just can't think of anything." He sighs.

"I said music was the most beautiful, but he said it wasn't it. I took a picture of the carnations I gave him for some idiotic reason, but he said it was somewhat close."

"Like what the hell would it be? Fertilizer?" He continued, frustrated.

Namjoon took another bite of his burger and thought about it.

"I mean, it could be you." He said, not expecting Hoseok to choke on his food.

"M-me? What a funny joke..." Hoseok manages to say, coughing. Jimin wore a worried expression, helping Hoseok pat his back.

"To be honest, when I took Joonie's phone, I did scroll through conversations with Yoongi hyung... He could be right, judging by the way he kept sending hearts as captions for the dozens of your pictures he sends Namjoon." Jimin piped in.

"I doubt it. For all I know, y-you could be making this up." Hoseok says, once he stopped coughing. He hid his face in one of the paper bags, hiding his embarrassment.

"Nah, what Jimin said is true. I think he likes you. Give taking a picture of yourself a shot?" Namjoon suggested

"Just... Don't talk to me until I come out of the bag, okay?" He requested, face still pink but concealed inside the brown bag.

There was whispering between Jimin and Namjoon, as well as a brief sound of a facepalm. Hoseok thought nothing of it, since he did ask for them not to talk to him.

However, a soft sound of a click told him that they had taken a picture.

Hoseok threw the paper bag to the side, eyes widening. The sight of Jimin blowing the film piece while Namjoon smiled nervously as a drop of sweat trickled down his forehead confirmed his suspicions. Hoseok internally said goodbye to his task completing streak.

"You never said no?" Jimin awkwardly said, handing Hoseok the photo once it had been done drying.

Hoseok took the film piece, feeling a tinge of sadness as he packed his belongings.

"I'll be going to Yoongi's apartment." He stated, before leaving.


Hoseok hesitantly stood outside the door. Officially ending his completion streak was going to be a pain. There was no way out, he thought. It was better to get it over with, right?

He went inside, and found Yoongi sprawled on the couch, sleeping. He bent beside him, shaking his arm lightly.

"Yoongi, I've failed, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Yoongi stirred awake, yawning out, "Show me your last picture."

Hoseok sighed, then proceeded to hand it to Yoongi. Yoongi looked at the picture, then to Hoseok. He smiled, asking, "This is you, right?"

 He smiled, asking, "This is you, right?"

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Hoseok nodded, signalling a 'yes'.

Yoongi's smile grew wider, so much so that his gums showed. Yoongi sat up, rubbing his eyes to clear his blurry wake-up vision.

"You got it right, Hoseok!" He exclaim-shouted excitedly, in a much higher tone than he expected to come out from his mouth. Relief finally pushed that heavy weight he had off his chest and he felt a sense of euphoria filling him.

Hoseok was no longer sad. Hoseok himself smiled brightly once hearing Yoongi's response. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck, and Hoseok took it as a sign to lift him up, with Yoongi's legs wrapped around his waist.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe what Yoongi said. He was confident that the last picture was going to end his streak. Confident.

And now Yoongi tells him he was the answer all along? Woah, it was all so new.

Yoongi, however, hoped that he'd remember it as a fact for the rest of his life. Remember that Hoseok was the highlight of his life. Nothing could beat Hoseok's beauty, not even the stars that illuminated the dark sky every night. Not even the sun could shine as much as Hoseok did. No such flower would even spare a thought to go in the way of brightening up Yoongi's days.

"My streak didn't end!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"That's all you care about? Put me down right now!" Yoongi scoffed, softly hitting Hoseok's back with his fists.

Hoseok brought them to Yoongi's room and put him down gently onto the bed. Hoseok smirked, pressing a kiss onto Yoongi's forehead, turning around about the leave.

"Wait!" Yoongi shouted, as his usual pale cheeks flushed a light pink.

Hoseok hummed in response, turning around.

"Don't leave... Come here..."

Hoseok walked back, sitting on the bed.

"Want me to cuddle you?"

It seemed like the older had momentarily thought about it, before he watched Yoongi's cheeks turn into a warmer pink than before. Then, Yoongi started to nod enthusiastically, making small grabby hands for him with a small pout on his face.

Hoseok laid onto the bed with him, pulling the sheets on top of them. He pressed his forehead against Yoongi's, snaking his arms around his small waist. He smiled as Yoongi let out a contented sigh, fluttering his eyes shut.

Content was all Yoongi felt at that moment, especially being able to be in a position like this, cuddling his favourite person. His plan had worked.

I'm a genius, Yoongi thought.

"I love you," —yawn— "Hobi."

"I thought you were going to confess yourself to your pillow instead of me for a moment." He chuckled, before earning a small kick.

"I love you too, Agent Yoongi." Hoseok chuckled again, shutting his eyes as they both slowly drifted to sleep.

A/N: you have come to the end of this fic. goodbye! *music with flutes and stuff*

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