Chapter 2

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"It's true. Alexa has a brother who has a friend who goes there already. He's a student so he's like seen all of it happen."

In just a few days the girls would be starting their first day of high school and it's safe to say that Camila wasn't too excited about it, although Lauren's sharing of high school stories wasn't exactly helping the matter.

"It can't be true, no way would teachers let that happen". Camila appeared genuinely terrified as to what was coming her way, the stories being told by the older girl do nothing but make her want to crawl into a corner and hibernate for the rest of her life.

"The teachers don't know what goes on in the background, everyone does it behind their backs"

"But surely someone tells the teachers about it all? I mean..."

"That's the whole point Camz! You don't snitch because if you snitch you get a swirly". Camila was genuinely disgusted about the thought of having her head stuck down a toilet, she couldn't help but shiver at the image created in her mind.

"Don't forget about the lockers too. You can get locked in them, pushed up against them, have them filled with disgusting, slimy...." Camila quickly placed her hands firmly over her ears so as to block out whatever disgusting story Lauren was going to tell next. The older girl couldn't help but snigger at the youngsters reaction.

"But what happened to all the singing and dancing?"

"Camz, this isn't high school musical, okay? That's not real. People can be really mean and..."

Lauren immediately stopped, overwhelmed with the feeling of guilt as she looked at the younger girl before her. Camila sat with her knees hugged into her chest, her bottom lip firmly between her top teeth as she tried to combat the tears slowly escaping her glossy brown eyes.

Lauren's voice immediately sympathised at the sight

"But it's gonna be okay, you know why Camz? Because you've got me. And I won't let anybody hurt you. Ever". By this point, Camila had given in to the wave of tears now streaming down her face, and resorted to hiding her face between her knees out of embarrassment. Lauren carefully tilted the youngsters chin with her finger so that they were making eye contact, her hand remaining cupped around the other girls chin as she spoke her next words.

"I promise Camz. I promise I won't let anybody hurt you. Even if they try, don't forget I'm on the softball team so I'm pretty handy with a bat, and those years of football practice means I've got a pretty good kick on me".

Camila could help but show a smile at her friends words of comfort, Lauren taking her relaxation as a sign that she was beginning to calm down. Using her sleeve, she carefully wiped the tears sliding down her best friends face, which had finally began to slow down.

"You know, when we start wearing makeup we really need to get you some of that waterproof eye stick stuff. Otherwise it'll be running all over your face and you'll look like a panda."

Camila couldn't help but laugh at her friends attempt to describe the product.

"Lolo, it's called mascara", the other girl simply scoffed in return and shrugged her shoulders. In reality, she was fully aware of what the product was called, but she knew it would make Camila laugh, and right now, that was her only priority.

Lauren shifted herself so that she was now seated next to the younger brunette, placing her arm around her shoulders. Camila subconsciously reached up to the draped hand and began playing with her fingers, an action she has always done. As Camila rested her head against the older girls shoulder, Lauren released a sigh of contentment. This was often how their conversations would turn out - silence. But not the awkward kind. It was completely comfortable silence, the pair simply enjoying each others company. As Lauren looked down at the younger girl, she couldn't help the feelings that yet again surfaced. This feeling wasn't new to her, she always knew she felt extraordinarily happy around the younger girl, but it wasn't until the guest talk a few years ago that she began to label them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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