she-cat problems 3

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~Dovewing hello! and we are back with she-cat problems! but first I dedicate this to Luna_The_Dove for requesting ALL the cats. ok we have Blossomfall,Leafpool,Squirrelflight,Brightheart,Briarlight,Sasha...

Mothwing,Willowshine,annnnnnd Mistystar *pant* *pant* first we have Blossomfall

~Blossomfall well nothing really...

~Dovewing ok a dare then

~Blossomfall wait n....

~Dovewing ok I dare you to lick Jayfeather and say mmmmm taste like starclan!!!!!!

~Blossomfall ohhh starclan! ok here I go *licks Jayfeather* mmm taste like starclan

~Jayfeather I'm a medicine-cat b*tch I taste like what ever I want

~Blossomfall o_o soooo you can taste like mouse

~Jayfeather ya but not for you b*tch

~Dovewing *laughs* ok Leafpool

~Leafpool that my sons and daughter hate me and my sister

~Dovewing thats it? ok Squrrelflight

~Squirrleflight same as my sister

~Dovewing really? wow you two are boooooooooorrrriiiiiinnnngggg as h*ll

~Leafpool and Squirrelflight      >:0

~Dovewing huuuuu BRIGHTHEART

~Brightheart well I cant hunt and fight for my clan on a regular basis and with my eye torn out and ear torn off I look soo ugly

~Dovewing ya no kidding I was scared of you the first time I saw you..... ok briarlight

~Briarlight isnt it obvious I C A N T W A L K!!!!!!! and you took me out of my stretches and Jayfeather is acting like a b*tch in disguse

~Jayfeather I heard that as*holes!!!!!

~Briarlight shut the f**k up!!!

~Dovewing sorry for the launguage ya next we have sasha by the way sasha how did you get here

~Sasha I just walked here

~Dovewing you just walked here

~Sasha yep

~Dovewing god all of you give me headaches besides I've been hanging out with jayfeather and his friends too much

~Sasha should I say it yet

~Dovewing ya ya let me go get my asprine

~Sasha oookkk well my son was evil and I will never get to see mothwing again

~Dovewing wait how do you now about your son?

~Sasha by some nice tom

~Dovewing oooohhh god its sol it has to be eh I ll worry about it later now we have..... oh sasha your in luck mothwing

~Mothwing that i was faked to be a medicine-cat oh hi mom

~Sasha what you no surprised im here

~Mothwing nope i knew you would come

~Dovewing ok this not the Sasha and mothwing show ok! next willowshine

~Willowshine I want a dare ok I have to make all the dares thx guys mmmmmm I want you to go up to mothwing slap her with your tail then run giggleing like a kit

~Willowshine ok *slaps mothwing with her tail*

~Mothwing what the?

~Willowshine *giggles like a kit and runs away*

~Dovewing niiiiicccee next we have mistystar

~Mistystar that lepoardstar died at a bad time

~Dovewing ok well I think that she is just saying that to be nice huh.Well time to rap this up see you in the next she-cats problems!


                     cats and some dares will be good you can say what you want the new book to be about in the comments! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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