Why u got to be so RUDE

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"Sky Luna Blue!Your going to be late for school.Hurry Sky!"

The awakening of my deep sleep was slow. My parents yelling.I got up and put my white tank top on with my long sweater wraped around my waist I quickly put on my shorts put on my converses as headed out the door. When I walked into the school I went straight to my locker and I just started to cry who knows why but then ricky dillion came by and he came up to me and then Brittany his "girlfriend" came by and said "why are you talking to nerd girl". He didn't reply. As soon as she said that I ran to the bathroom and started balling again, and my friend Alex came in and said what's the matter. "You want to know what's the matter everyday of my life Brittany always has something rude or mean to say to me, I mean she calls me nerd girl not that it bothers me it just hurts my feelings that everyday I have to be called nerd girl or something".

"It's ok sky, just don't let it get to you ok".

"Alright I think we should head to class". I headed to class and when I walked in everyone including Mr.Swine was looking at me so I just sat down and everyone stopped starring but then they all started to whisper. Then Mr.Swine said "class settle down now". But the class continued whispering but then there whispers turned into nothing not a single sound. It was probably the worst day of school ever I mean I got bullied I was being talked about and probably after class people are going to look at me with the I was just talking about you look, what a day now I have a story to tell my parents. NOT.

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