Chapter 9

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Alex's POV:

Right now me and Louis are getting ready to go to my parents house so Louis can meet them. I'm really excited cause I know they'll love him! , but Louis on the other hand is frecking out ! It's kinda adorable , back to the point. He isn't so nervous about my mom cause I told stuff about my parents ,he's more scared of my dad cause my dad is tough to please and when it comes to guys and meeting them , well let's just say he doesn't approve or straight up say it in his face that he doesn't like them and I end up having no boyfriend because of self confidants.

Louis's POV:

I'm frecking out like bad ! I'm scared cause of Alex's dad he seems really tough . But I'll give it my all to please him and stay with Alex . " you ready BooBear "! Alex yells breaking me from my thoughts . The boys girlfriends and them selves laugh at me for being so nervous and scared, but all I know is if they were in my shoes they would totally be the same way. " yeah I'm ready " I said while she walked down the stairs. " ok by guys we' ll be back soon " Alex said to the girls an lads . " yeah , make sure you don't get told in the face by her dad saying he hates you Lou " Zayn said while he giggles and th others do the same . " stop mocking me you big meanies " I say fake pouting and crying . We get to Alex's house and I'm nervous. " it'll be ok , I have a feeling there going to love you " I have her a simpethetic smile and she push the door bell button. Her mom opened the door and gave us gave a smile and said " come in and give a huge dear daughter , I haven't seen you in for ever" se said " ma' I only been away for like 6 days " she laughed a little. " well to me it's years " then she turned to me and I said " I'm Louis Tomlinson but you can call me Lou for short " and held my hand out for her to shake " well Lou it's nice to meet you finally and in the frays house we don't give hand shakes except her father but I give hugs if I like you and to surprised our the first now give me a hug son " I smiled and gave mrs . Fray a hug , Alex smiled . " and by the way ca me Sofia and welcome to the family " thank you Sofia it means a lot " we walked to the living room and her dad came down stairs and said " well you must be Louis , am I correct " " yes sir " I said . " well how ' bout these two go to the kitchen and finish up dinner while me and you talk man to man " Alex's dad said then Alex said " oh no dad! " " what he needs to know and I have a few questions for him also , by the way call me Toby " he said with his hand out for me to shake . I took the gesture and sat down on the couch while Alex am Sofia go into the kitchen.

Alex's POV:

I hope dad isn't getting to embarrassing . He's having. The man talk which are rules for him to follow . But at least Louis is the first to have my dad's permission on using his first name instead of mr. Fray .


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while been bussy cause I have a life jk ;)

Any ways I'll try to update as much as possible and just so you guys know my birthday is in 2 months and I'm getting excided. But yeah please comment and follow and vote and keep reading lovelys :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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