Chapter 1: A friend

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His mum left him years ago.
He never met his dad.
He had no friends.
He got bullied.
No happiness.
No Joy.
Just sadness.

Ash was only fifteen when his mum ran away with a man she'd just met. He woke up to no one.
The person who'd ever felt his pain was a girl called Serena. But she had soon left. It was his fault, everything was. He had to do jobs to survive and buy food.
He went to school regularly, he had too. His life was a constant struggle. Some days he would starve some days he would lay silent and stare at the roof. But most days he visited a river. The same river where his own pikachu ran away from him. He cried all night and got barely any sleep.

One day at school he had heard a rumour while walking past a group of girls at break.
"Did you hear about the new kid?" Said one of the girls. Her name was may, she didn't like ash very much and often made fun of his scruffiness and family. She had brown hair and red and white sport clothes. She was the head off the girls gymnastics team and she was also the popular girl.
"No, do you know who it is?" Asked Dawn. She had blue hair and was all about fashion and trends. She was mays best friend and a very loud person.
"It's a girl but I can't remember the name. She sounded like a whore anyway." May, Dawn and two other girls laughed.

A new student? Ash thought about this and shrugged it off. He had no need to know this, it was irrelevant to him.
After school he walked home to see some people moving in next door. They looked at him weirdly, as though he was an alien. Someone from a distant planet. It was funny. On one side there were two healthy people, with a nice house and nice car. And then there was ash. Alone, desperate and angry. They looked away from him and walked inside their house while ash went in his. He scavenged a few bites of food and drank a bit of water. He then went back out to do his job.

Ash was the newspaper boy. He went around the neighbourhood handing out papers and sometimes leaflets. This got him a small amount of money but he managed. He got the newspapers, there were no leaflets this day. He got on his way to the first stop, 46 Kalos drive. He walked up the smooth stone steps and rang on the fancy doorbell. He didn't have to wait long as within a few seconds a young honey blonde girl opened the front door.
"Your paper miss" He handed out the paper in his hand and the girl took it.
She was quite pretty. Ash could've drowned in her ocean blue eyes.
"Thanks!" She replied happily. She didn't seem like the other girls in the neighbourhood. She was nice, polite and looked respectful. She was like an angel, bright and helpful.
"Your welcome miss" He was about to turn around when she stopped him.
"You can call me Serena" she smiled and looked at him.
"Your welcome Serena." He then walked off with a grin on his face. He hadn't felt like that for years.

He carried on delivering papers getting hate from everyone he served.
He returned to his house with a few extra bruises and put the left over papers down. He went outside once again, but this time out of the neighbourhood and into the woods. His feet crunched on sticks making a loud noise causing birds to fly away. He found his way to a lonely river where he sat on a bench nearby. He sat on it and stayed there until dark. He remembered his first ever pokemon and the adventures they had been on only five years ago. He teared up and went back home.

He had hardly any sleep that night and got up and went to school. In class he noticed the girl who moved in next door yesterday.
"This is Serena, a new student from Kalos." The teacher introduced her to the class. Serena smiled to the class and sat in the only seat available. No one ever sat next to ash so Serena sitting next to him made some people look.
"WHORE!" May Shouted to Serena and Serena's gentle smile faded slowly. Everyone laughed except for Serena and ash.
"May, outside!" The teacher pointed to the door and may strode outside. Serena started crying and the class carried on.
"You alright Serena?" Ash asked gently.
"Who are you?" Serena sobbed.
"I'm the newspaper guy and your new neighbour, Ash." He said calmly.
"Why is she calling me a whore?" She cried a bit more now .
"She likes to bully new people. I think she said that because your quite pretty. That's all." Ash told her this and out of no where Serena hugged him.
"Thank you ash, it means a lot." She pulled out of the hug and wiped her eyes.

After school they walked home together and parted ways to each of their own homes. Serena was greeted by grace. And ash was greeted by a pile of newspapers. He sighed and then handed them out. He was too tired to go to the riverside so he just fell asleep on the floor. He thought off Serena in his dream. She seemed familiar. He wanted to know her and have a friend. They were quite similar but quite different at the same time. They already had a good chemistry and they helped each other out a lot. For the next month they had already started hanging out with each other and keeping each other company. They were already best friends.

Even though they were different.
Nothing could keep them apart.
He now had a friend.

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