Yuno, the Odd Job Guy

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        Hey guys, I'm back! Summer has started and it's surprisingly not scolding hot in Pakistan, where I'm spending my summer. There are a lot of people in my grandmother's house, basically a two month long family reunion, so the internet is lagging to the point of there being no service at all. I finally managed to write this chapter, after four weeks, and publish it as soon as I got the chance, please don't be mad.

        Also, this book is ranked in SECOND PLACE in the Yuno category. I can't beleive it!!!

        I also changed a couple of things in the story. At the moment in the story, Yuno and the bunch is now 20, and you are 19, and Yuno is the Golden Dawn Vice Captain, and not the next Magic Emperor, but they all know it'll happen. I'll go back and change all those parts soon, so don't worry. Anyway, here is the long awaited chapter!!


        Being the next Golden Dawn captain was a pain. A great accomplishment, that it was, proving he was better than Asta. But it was a pain, nonetheless. And it wasn't even the training, or the boring arithmetic classes, or even the dull lunches. It was the etiquette classes. Who the hell would need to know which, out of five forks, you would use for a salad and which was for show, in battle, or an enemy invasion?

        This was something Yuno should have asked Julius, before he died two years ago. Who needs five forks to eat with anyway? The maximum one needs is three. One for food, one for dessert, since tasting brussel sprouts when eating cake is a bit disgusting, and one if either of those fell. Those uses were completely practical. But then five forks for just the appetizer. This was going to be the death of him.

        If the knews of his death was to get out, and somehow reach you, he'd rather it be in some battle, or a sickness or something. Maybe being strangled or annoyed to death by Bell. What he didn't want was that the knews would be this. He could see headlines now "Next Magic Emperor Dies Due to Boring Etiquette Class! Some Speculate the Army of Forks Joined and Stabbed Him to Death!"

        Obviously it would be something alot shorter, but who knows? He heard Mimosa's voice drone on and on, explaining why there needed to be five forks for one dish. Yuno understood the uses for eveything and could use them. Their purpose was what he needed to know. And he had completely blocked out Mimosa's voice, who had been kind, and oblivious, enough to answer his question. "Yuno!" The sound of Marx's voice rang out through the dining hall of the Golden Dawn Base, as his picture appeared infront of him. "The King has a job for you"

        "Again? What does he want this time? A foot massage?"

        "Yuno, don't give him ideas" Marx shuddered at the thought of Yuno's last task assigned by the King. Clipping his toenails was not something you make the next Magic Emperor do! You don't make anyone do that! Not even your slave who is sworn by his life to do your bidding! "Anyway, he lost his favorite pet, and it wasn't a woman this time, it was a rabbit. He wants you to find it"

        "Doesn't he have people hired just for that task?"

        "Don't question it. Just get it done and hope that he'll leave you alone. He's been pouting about how a peasant from the Foresaken Realms is getting all this power and respect. It's like he doesn't even use his eyes."

        "Whatever you say, Mushroom Head"

        "Don't call me that! My name is Marx!"

        "I know, Mushroom Head"


        "Bye, Mushroom Head" Yuno forcefully cut off the connection between the two servants of the crown, and continued to stare, pretending to pay attention to ever sweet and oblivious Mimosa, occasionally asking a question, about the last thing that managed to push into his brain.

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