Days passes by quickly...

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Sorry for not posting for 2 days because i was sick... I still am but anything for reballions... So without any further ado let's start the story...

Rebal's pov
February 7
So it's been tough coping up with all the rehearsals so i have not been able to post any video lately and my fans are freaking out...

And also how can i forget them. Its because of them that i got all these...

"Hey Judy don't know what to post on my youtube channel what do you think i should do??"

"Take it to a whole new level" Judy said

"What new level... Judyyyyy "

"Do something else now that you've got friends" judy says sarcastically

"Haha, wait actually yeah, its a really good idea"

"Uhh what? "

"So listen what are we gonna do is that ___________"

Y/N pov

"Hey it's Rebal here... Would you mind to come over???"

"No i don't have any but why... Is there any problem?"

"Uh yeah kinda please be quick "

"Ok i will be there in 15 min"

I rushed quickly as i was very scared.

" what problem could they have? are they going back? o my god no! that cannot happen. I am literally talking to myself while driving! what is happening to me,i think i am going nuts, ok ! Wait why the f**k are all the lights off?? Lemme call Rebal, Rebal pick up the phone, wait his phone is ringing inside"

As i had the spare keys i opened the door and searched for the lights as soon as i turned on the lights i saw 2 killer clowns running towards me.

"Ahhhhhhh..." i froze to death. Nothing happened to me. I lifted my head up and saw Rebal and Judy remove their masks and started laughing

" we pranked you" they screamed together and lifted their camera.

" oh my god Rebal and Judy you guys scared me to my death... "

After that they filmed their outro and me gave a hot cup of coffee.

" dude you guys literally scared me i am so scared of killer clowns"

" we are sorry but anything for the views and the fans" Rebal said

" yeah whatever kill me for the views and fans"

" not a bad idea Rebal" Judy said

" Haha very funny"

" ok so guys i am off to Liza Koshy's for a collab video... bye guys"


I was sitting and i saw the notification on my phone that today is rose day and i decided to take a step ahead and just took a flower which Judy put in a vase and gave it to Rebal

I was sitting and i saw the notification on my phone that today is rose day and i decided to take a step ahead and just took a flower which Judy put in a vase and gave it to Rebal

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"Ok i know that's yours already but happy Rose day"

"Aww thank you happy rose day to you too"

February 8

I woke up to a great dream that on propose day Rebal proposes to me.

But i didn't want to take it too fast otherwise it might seem like i am desperate.

Since there was a prom party on valentines day i needed a prom partner.

I went to Rebal's and Judy was not home.

" hey Rebal. you know right that there is a prom party on valentines day?"

" yeah i know... why?"

"I was thinking since i don't have a partner we could go together only if you don't have a partner and you if you don't mind..."

" no actually even i thought about that... about asking you but i thought you already have a partner... so yeah i am in partner "

" cool don't forget to go tux shopping"

" no i won't go because i have everything in my white van parked outside with chocolates , sweets , biscuits and everything nice and also a tux"

" that was so not funny Rebal..."i said laughing

" it's not funny but you are still laughing, yeah i get that" Rebal said laughing also

February 9

I just got out of the store with a box full of chocolates

I just got out of the store with a box full of chocolates

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I went to the D's and made sure that i met Rebal first.

" happy chocolate day, here have one"

I made Rebal eat with my own hands and he made me eat too

I saw Judy seeing us and ran up to her and fed her

February 10

I made sure that i bought teddy for both Rebal and Judy because i didn't want Judy to have any idea of what my feelings are towards Rebal.

Everyone was at my place. So i made sure to give teddy to the girls and definitely not Kyle and the CroesBros because they have a girlfriend man.

I felt really glad to give Rebal the teddy and he was hugging it all the time which kinda made me feel good for absolutely no reason.

February 11

" Rebal i promise you to be there with you for a thousand years... Ok that was a cliché but it's a promise tho"

" and i promise you to be there for you and to believe in you as you believed in me and Judy and you were there for us each and every time we thought we could nt do it during the rehearsals or in any time of our life"

" happy promise day" were said together

February 12

I ran into the rehearsal hall and found Rebal and jumped and hugged him.

"Happy hug day" i screamed

" day hug happy"

" huh? Oh yeah whatever btw what was that reverse psychology?" i said

"I really don't know" Rebal said laughing.

Hey feb 13 and feb 14 left... you wanna know what happened for uhum kiss day (feb 13) for that you need to follow me and vote for this chapter

ColbyandRebal signing out

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