night 6995

10 1 0

Bradley walked me into the capacious, snow-coloured room of some hotel I'd never been to before. He rolled our suitcases into an empty corner then took my hand and held it close to his flushed cheeks.

"I want to take you somewhere" he grinned perplexingly "Where?" I asked. "Somewhere fun" Bradley smiled cheekily followed by tugging my arm towards the elevator door.

We arrived at a substandard location with dim lighting. I felt the knots in my stomach tighten and looked up at Bradley's feverish face.

Once inside the knots in my stomach had seemed to seize my breathing- I became speechless. Naked women plastered my vision almost successively, followed by men fornicating with them and with one another.

A tall nude woman walked up to my boyfriend and I and politely asked how she could be of assistance. "What do you reccommend for a first timer?" Bradley gestured to me with the same grin he carried since we left the hotel room. "Follow me" the woman cooed.

She lead us to these appliances resembling large arcade machines with wide screens and a strange seating arrangement. With an encouraging nod from Bradley, I begun getting seated with my head close to the ground, face upward, almost completely upside down with my legs bent and spread into a convenient position.

The objective here was that Bradley was to pour his glass of rum and coca-cola in a continious stream onto my vagina. The longer the stream remained in position, the more "Tee's" or tickets we received.

We continued playing these bizarre sexual games for an incomprehensible amount of time before went had won enough Tee's for me to purchase a new dress for myself. I had really started enjoying the evening after the nervousness had subsided and a couple of drinks had intoxicated my mind.

I begun walking over to the Tee store to pick out my new attire when two coloured men stopped me in my tracks. "Hey there baby, wanna play some games?" The taller one's breath wreathed into the cold air. "I think not!" I spat "I think yes" The second man chuckled as he hurdled me over his shoulder. I screamed and scratched at his back and managed to wriggle my way out of his grip.

I ran to Bradley at the arcade area in hysterics and he simply declared that we were leaving.

We began walking out, the icy air stung my tear-stained cheeks. I wrapped an arm around Bradley's waist and caught eye of the two men who had harrassed me moments earlier. "That's them" I whispered to Bradley. Bradley remained silent and walked a beat faster. I turned back to the nasty men and threw an audacious finger their way.

The two men stormed towards us and began shoving me and saying rude things. Bradley threw a fist and the men dragged him outside into the snow and begun beating him mercilessly. I noticed the outside of the building was rather futuristic and the architecture of the building was quite complex.

Before I had the time to react, a woman walked outside, fully clothed if i might add, demanding that the men seize their actions. They ignored her orders so she calmly said "We have rules here, if you do not follow the rules you will be killed" The men ignored once more and a second woman appeared, resembling a cyborg creature with a high-tech laser pistol.

She shot both of the coloured men in a matter of seconds and both of the women walked away without a word.

Bradley and I were silent as we walked back inside. He ordered several rounds of booze for us and the night continued into an inebriated state...

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